Berge, Shannon |
2019 |
"Working toward graduation: how working an on-campus, part-time job can affect retention rates among racially minoritized students pursuing a bachelor’s degree" in Theses and Projects |
Bergemann, Sarah E. |
2019 |
"Three new species of Gyroporus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Australia" in Muelleria |
Bergemann, Sarah E. |
2019 |
"Phylogenetic and morphological analyses of species of the Entolomataceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) with cuboid basidiospores" in Phytotaxa |
Berman, Kyla |
2019 |
"The Bubble" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Berman, Kyla |
2019 |
"Mathematics Education" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Bernal, Alexis A. |
2019 |
"Mechanisms and Spatial Patterns of Bark Beetle-Associated Mortality Following Variable Density Thinning Treatments in a Sierra Mixed-Conifer Forest" in Theses and projects |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2019 |
"Conifer retention and hardwood management affect interplay between harvest volume and carbon storage over 100 years in Douglas-fir/tanoak: a case study" in Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences |
Berrill, John-Pascal |
2019 |
"Multiaged redwood responds well to partial harvest and herbicide treatments" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
Berry, Helen |
2019 |
"The Rhetoric of Modern Ink" in ideaFest Poster |
Berry, Margaret E. |
2019 |
"Pleistocene and Holocene landscape development of the South Platte River Corridor, Northeastern Colorado" in USGS Reports |
Bettenhausen, Melanie |
2019 |
"Co-op News" in North Coast Co-op |
Bickley, Cleo |
2019 |
"Diversity and Abundance of Soil Microbes Differ Along a Forest-Pasture Transect" in ideaFest Journal |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"Frictionless Data Processing in the Wild" in Zenodo |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"Data Management and Reporting: BCO-DMO Data Management Services and Best Practices" in Early Career Chief Scientist Training Workshop |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"Final initialization files for the 2011 upper Chesapeake Bay COAWST sediment transport and SAV simulation" in Data Sets |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office: Accelerating Scientific Discovery Through Responsive Management of Observational Oceanographic Data" in OceanObs'19 Conference Proceedings |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"Modeling Impacts of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation on Sediment Dynamics under Storm Conditions in Upper Chesapeake Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2019 |
"BCO-DMO's migration to ERDDAP" in Marine Data Cluster Online Presentation |
Biddle, Mathew M. |
2020 |
"Community feedback collected between June 2019 and February 2020 on how researchers search and access new data for research as well as feedback on potential enhancements to help improve BCO-DMO’s service to the research community" in BCO-DMO Data Set |
Biondo, Vincent |
2019 |
"Review of Muslims and the Making of America" in Religious Studies Review |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2019 |
"Fossil fern rhizomes as a model system for exploring epiphyte community structure across geologic time: Evidence from Patagonia" in PeerJ |
Bippus, Alexander C. |
2019 |
"Heinrichsiella patagonica gen. Et sp. nov.: A permineralized acrocarpous moss from the jurassic of patagonia" in International Journal of Plant Sciences |
Bischoff, Patrick |
2019 |
"Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication" in ideaFest Poster |
Bissell, Justin |
2019 |
"Predicting Spawning Habitat for Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Using Geospatially Constructed Stream Morphology From High-Resolution lidar-derived Digital Elevation Model and Field Survey Data in the Indian Creek Watershed, Mendocino County, California" in Theses and projects |
Bjorkstedt, Eric P. |
2019 |
"Ocean acidification and hypoxia can have opposite effects on rockfish otolith growth" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology |