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Displaying 101 - 125 of 1756
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Berge, Shannon 2019

"Working toward graduation: how working an on-campus, part-time job can affect retention rates among racially minoritized students pursuing a bachelor’s degree" in Theses and Projects

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2019

"Three new species of Gyroporus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Australia" in Muelleria

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2019

"Phylogenetic and morphological analyses of species of the Entolomataceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) with cuboid basidiospores" in Phytotaxa

Berman, Kyla 2019

"The Bubble" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Berman, Kyla 2019

"Mathematics Education" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Bernal, Alexis A. 2019

"Mechanisms and Spatial Patterns of Bark Beetle-Associated Mortality Following Variable Density Thinning Treatments in a Sierra Mixed-Conifer Forest" in Theses and projects

Berrill, John-Pascal 2019

"Conifer retention and hardwood management affect interplay between harvest volume and carbon storage over 100 years in Douglas-fir/tanoak: a case study" in Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences

Berrill, John-Pascal 2019

"Multiaged redwood responds well to partial harvest and herbicide treatments" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Berry, Helen 2019

"The Rhetoric of Modern Ink" in ideaFest Poster

Berry, Margaret E. 2019

"Pleistocene and Holocene landscape development of the South Platte River Corridor, Northeastern Colorado" in USGS Reports

Bettenhausen, Melanie 2019

"Co-op News" in North Coast Co-op

Bickley, Cleo 2019

"Diversity and Abundance of Soil Microbes Differ Along a Forest-Pasture Transect" in ideaFest Journal

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"Frictionless Data Processing in the Wild" in Zenodo

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"Data Management and Reporting: BCO-DMO Data Management Services and Best Practices" in Early Career Chief Scientist Training Workshop

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"Final initialization files for the 2011 upper Chesapeake Bay COAWST sediment transport and SAV simulation" in Data Sets

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office: Accelerating Scientific Discovery Through Responsive Management of Observational Oceanographic Data" in OceanObs'19 Conference Proceedings

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"Modeling Impacts of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation on Sediment Dynamics under Storm Conditions in Upper Chesapeake Bay" in Theses and Projects

Biddle, Mathew M. 2019

"BCO-DMO's migration to ERDDAP" in Marine Data Cluster Online Presentation

Biddle, Mathew M. 2020

"Community feedback collected between June 2019 and February 2020 on how researchers search and access new data for research as well as feedback on potential enhancements to help improve BCO-DMO’s service to the research community" in BCO-DMO Data Set

Biondo, Vincent 2019

"Review of Muslims and the Making of America" in Religious Studies Review

Bippus, Alexander C. 2019

"Fossil fern rhizomes as a model system for exploring epiphyte community structure across geologic time: Evidence from Patagonia" in PeerJ

Bippus, Alexander C. 2019

"Heinrichsiella patagonica gen. Et sp. nov.: A permineralized acrocarpous moss from the jurassic of patagonia" in International Journal of Plant Sciences

Bischoff, Patrick 2019

"Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication" in ideaFest Poster

Bissell, Justin 2019

"Predicting Spawning Habitat for Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Using Geospatially Constructed Stream Morphology From High-Resolution lidar-derived Digital Elevation Model and Field Survey Data in the Indian Creek Watershed, Mendocino County, California" in Theses and projects

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2019

"Ocean acidification and hypoxia can have opposite effects on rockfish otolith growth" in Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology