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Displaying 276 - 300 of 1762
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Roel, Victoria 2019

"Mindfulness in High Education: How the Brain Booth is Fostering Academic Excellence" in ideaFest Poster

Ichien, Derek 2019

"Beyond the Paradise Tax: Assessing the Potential for Rental Vehicle Electrification in Kaua'i County, Hawai'i" in Theses and Projects

Rossman, Leslie 2019

"Trump’s Promise to Make America Manufacture Again: USMCA and the Rhetoric of Neoliberal Exception" in National Communication Association Communication Currents

Campbell-Spickler, Jim 2019

"Structure and dynamics of forests dominated by Sequoiadendron giganteum" in Forest Ecology and Management

Brintrup, Lilianet 2019

"Hat" in The World "The way we saw it"

Mellot, Adam 2019

"Lumberjack Newspaper Digitization Project" in Library Student Projects

Conover-Williams, Meredith 2019

"Masculinity Theory and Female Offending" inThe Encyclopedia of Women and Crime

Healy, Sean 2019

"Meeting the 24-hr movement guidelines: An update on US youth with autism spectrum disorder from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health" in Autism Research

Smith, James P. 2019

"An Index to the Families and Genera Treated in Flora of North America North of Mexico" in Botanical Studies OER

Reiner, Aimee 2019

"Clear Waters" in The World "The way we saw it"

Parker, Jed 2019

"How Tribes Harvest Deer" in ideaFest Poster

Mazurek, Mary Jo 2019

Conservation Planning For Species Recovery Under The Endangered Species Act: A Case Study With The Northern Spotted Owl” in Plos One

Sonntag, Selma K. 2019

The Politics of Language Contact in the Himalaya

Henkel, Terry W. 2019

"In memoriam: Martha Christensen, 1932−2017" in Mycologia

Sato, Yuko 2019

"The Liver-Stage Plasmodium Infection Is a Critical Checkpoint for Development of Experimental Cerebral Malaria" in Frontiers in Immunology

Saler, Joseph 2019

"Graduate Student Perspectives on Scale and Hierarchy in Ecology" in ideaFest Journal

Varner, J. Morgan 2019

"Resilience of Oregon white oak to reintroduction of fire" in Fire Ecology

Davis, Emma 2019

"Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed" in AGU Fall Meeting

Reilly, Matthew J. 2019

"Historical patterns of fire severity and forest structure and composition in a landscape structured by frequent large fires: Pumice Plateau ecoregion, Oregon, USA" in Landscape Ecology

Hernandez, Marcos 2019

"True Injustice: Cultures of Violence and Stories of Resistance in the New True Crime" in ideaFest Journal

Michalak, Melanie J. 2019

"Investigating Fault Rupture Connectivity Between Upper-plate Faults and the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Little Salmon Fault Zone, Hydesville, California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Cribari, Molly 2019

"Comparative analyses of the soil microbiome of Phlox hirsuta (Polemoniaceae), a rare serpentine species" in ideaFest Poster

Martinez, Julia 2019

"Cannabis Cultivation: Humboldt County's Cultivation Regulation on Cannabis and the Effects on the Yurok Tribe" in ideaFest Poster

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2019

"Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation" in Ecological Economics

Soetaert, Nick 2019

"The effect of peer tutoring in reducing achievement gaps: a success story" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges