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Displaying 226 - 250 of 1635
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Ceja, Isabella 2018

"Instilling Text and Subtext" in ideaFest Poster

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Measuring residence time distributions of wood chips in a screw conveyor reactor" in Fuel Processing Technology

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Demonstration of a Pilot-Scale Plant for Biomass Torrefaction and Briquetting" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Performance and Emissions Control of Commercial-Scale Biochar Production Unit" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Performance Analysis of a Biomass Gasifier Genset at Varying Operating Conditions" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Chang, Joice 2018

"Gender, Sexuality and Crime in the Queer Life Course" in ideaFest Poster

Chang, Joice 2018

Chapter 10 "The role of voluntary agreements in a hybrid model of environmental law enforcement" in Environmental Policy and the Pursuit of Sustainability

Chartas, George 2018

"Correlations between the X-ray and UV spectrum in PG1126" in ideaFest Poster

Chavez, Marco 2018

"Oh my God. I am the highest I have ever been: User Experiences with Cannabis Edibles" in ideaFest Posters

Chessin, Erin 2018

"Made in Moldova" in Osprey

Childers, Alex 2018

"Archive Interns Present Program to Yosemite Crowd" in Check Out the Library

Christensen, Shelbie 2018

"Lesson Study Across Waters" in ideaFest Poster

Chu, Benny 2018

"Slang and Uncertainty as Motivational Factors for Group Identification" in ideaFest Poster

Chu, Benny 2018

"License to ill: slang and uncertainty as motivational accounts for group identification" in Theses and Projects

Cisneros, Melissa 2018

"Development and Psychometric Properties of the Mobile Device Dependency Scale" in ideaFest Poster

Clemens, Robert Scott 2018

"Biodiversity and China's new Great Wall" in Diversity and Distributions

Clemens, Robert Scott 2018

"Shorebird monitoring in Australia: A successful long-term collaboration among citizen scientists, governments and researchers" in Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities

Cline, Tyler G. 2019

"Building a Brand and Telling a Story in Perpetual Crisis" in Public Services Quarterly

Close, Paulina 2018

"Habitat mapping of Ma-le'l Dunes coupling with UAV and NAIP imagery" in Proceedings

Clucas, Barbara A. 2018

"A systematic review of the relationship between urban agriculture and biodiversity" in Urban Ecosystems

Clueit, Bernadette 2018

"Spatial clustering of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato within populations of Allen's chipmunks and dusky-footed woodrats in northwestern California" in PLOS ONE

Coker, Christopher 2018

"A Little Dab Will Do Ya: An Exploration of First-time Cannabis Dabbers" in Theses and Projects

Collin, Melissa 2018

"Habitat mapping of Ma-le'l Dunes coupling with UAV and NAIP imagery" in Proceedings

Collins, Brandon 2018

"Characterizing Fire Regimes" in Fire in California's Ecosystems

Colwell, Mark A. 2018

"Breeding efficiency: a metric for assessing habitat quality and individual performance?" in International Wader Study Group