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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1353
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Reilly, Matthew J. 2017

"Cumulative effects of wildfires on forest dynamics in the eastern Cascade Mountains, USA" in Ecological Applications

Rasmussen, Kezia 2017

"Dissolved Trace Metal Concentrations in Seawater" in ideaFest Poster

Jacobsen, Jeff K. 2017

"Estimating blue whale skin isotopic incorporation rates and baleen growth rates: Implications for assessing diet and movement patterns in mysticetes" in PLOS ONE

Parker, Linda A. 2017

"CB₁ receptor antagonism in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis interferes with affective opioid withdrawal in rats." in Behavioral Neuroscience

Cummings, Adam 2017

"Stream amphibians as metrics of ecosystem stress: a case study from California’s redwoods revisited" in General Technical Report

Silber-Coats, Zachary 2017

"Mapping drought-impacted vegetation stress in California using remote sensing" in GIScience & Remote Sensing

Harrill, Hunter 2017

"A case study on the productivity of forwarder extraction in small-scale southern Italian forests" in Small-scale Forestry

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2017

"From Gravity Anomalies to Graded Streams: Assessing Earthquake Hazards in Central Washington State with Geophysical, Geologic, and Geomorphic Constraints" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Fox, Stephen Carey 2017

The Collector: Timely Secrets

Rao, Mahesh N. 2017

"Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data" in International Journal of Digital Earth

Kresl, Molly 2017

"Social Justice Support on Campus" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2017

"From the Editors" in The California Geographer

Browne, Brandon L. 2017

"Eruption Styles and Late Pleistocence Ages from 36CL Dating of Groundhog Cone, the Most Recent and Unglaciated Basaltic Volcano in the Golden Trout Volcanic Field, Kern Plateau, Sierra Nevada" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Kumar, Gaurav 2017

"The Technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of rice straw residue for biomass energy production in India" in Theses and Projects

Hankin, David G. 2017

"Temporally varying natural mortality: Sensitivity of a virtual population analysis and an exploration of alternatives" in Fisheries Research

Craig, Ravin D. 2017

"Oh SNAP! Student Food Programs, Making Food Accessible & Sustainable" in HSU unConference

Miller, Libbi R. 2017

"Investigating Freirian dialogue in computer-based classroom in alternative education" in The SoJo Journal: Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education

Miller, Timothy 2017

"360 Degrees of Innovation" in Check Out the Library

Wolfe, Jared D. 2017

"Upslope molt migration of the Wilson’s Warbler in the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion" in Journal of Ornithology

Ergas, Sarina J. 2017

"Modelling shortcut nitrogen removal from wastewater using an algal-bacterial consortium" in Water Science & Technology

Stock, Gregory M. 2017

"The coating layer of glacial polish" in Geology

Kinziger, Andrew P. 2017

"Riverscape genetics identifies speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) cryptic diversity in the Klamath-Trinity Basin" in Conservation Genetics

Black, Jessica E. 2017

"Measuring the unimaginable: Imaginative resistance to fiction and related constructs" in Personality and Individual Differences

Bond, Kenneth M. 2017

"The Use of Reversal Design in Organizational Behavior Research" in Academy of Management Proceedings

McCabe, Adyn 2017

 “Soneto para los bilinguals” in Toyon