Smith, James P. |
2017 |
"The Scientific Names of Plants" in Botanical Studies OER |
Smith, James P. |
2017 |
"Publication Dates of Selected Vascular Plant Families" in Botanical Studies OER |
Smith, James P. |
2017 |
"The Systematics of Vascular Plants: A Bibliography" in Botanical Studies OER |
Smith, Byron Ashley |
2017 |
"Subtropical agronomy on a variable landscape: exploring late classic farming in the Three Rivers Region through geotechnical design and the distribution ofedaphic variables" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, Brian D. |
2017 |
"Dams threaten rare Mekong dolphins" in Science |
Smith, Brian D. |
2017 |
"Oceanographic drivers of population differentiation in Indo-Pacific bottlenose (Tursiops aduncus) and humpback (Sousa spp.) dolphins of the northern Bay of Bengal" in Conservation Genetics |
Sleeth-Keppler, David |
2017 |
"It's a Matter of Trust: American Judgments of the Credibility of Informal Communicators on Solutions to Climate Change" in Environmental Communication |
Slackerelli, Mahayla Ca-va |
2017 |
"Ownership structures and financing options for solar energy generation in the Redwood Coast Energy Authority service area" in Theses and Projects |
Slack, Andrew W. |
2017 |
"Contrasting Impacts of Climate and Competition on Large Sugar Pine Growth and Defense in a Fire-Excluded Forest of the Central Sierra Nevada" in Forests |
Skola, Dylan |
2017 |
"An environment-dependent transcriptional network specifies human microglia identity" in Science |
Skola, Dylan |
2017 |
"Transcriptional control of microglia phenotypes in health and disease" in Journal of Clinical Investigation |
Sinn, David |
2017 |
"Evolutionary behavioral ecology approaches to integration in the study of animal personalities" in European Journal of Personality |
Singh, Pramod |
2017 |
"Technical and economic potential of microgrids in California" in Theses and Projects |
Silver, Erica A. |
2017 |
"Rural adults in education: why don't they come? a curriculum addressing dispositional barriers to participation" in Theses and Projects |
Silvaggio, Anthony |
2017 |
"Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment for proposed regulations on medical cannabis manufacturers" in California Department of Public Health |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2017 |
"Crown dynamics and wood production of Douglas-fir trees in an old-growth forest" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2017 |
"Leaf acclimation to light availability supports rapid growth in tall Picea sitchensis trees" in Tree Physiology |
Silber-Coats, Zachary |
2017 |
"Mapping drought-impacted vegetation stress in California using remote sensing" in GIScience & Remote Sensing |
Shonk, Kenneth |
2017 |
"The Shadow Metropole: The Varieties of Anticolonial Rhetoric in Twentieth Century Ireland" in Ireland in an Imperial World: Citizenship, Opportunism, and Subversion |
Shonk, Kenneth |
2017 |
"Those are the new saints" in Historical theory and methods through popular music, 1970-2000 |
Shlanta, Korinza |
2017 |
"A Dictionary and Guide to Country Living in Early 18th Century England" in Cal Poly Humboldt Library Rare Book Collection |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2017 |
"Deciphering the Complexity of Historical Fire Regimes: Diversity Among Forests of Western North America” in Dendroecology |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2017 |
"From the Editors" in The California Geographer |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2017 |
"Controls of reburn severity vary with fire interval in the Klamath Mountains, California, USA" in Ecosphere |
Sherriff, Rosemary L. |
2017 |
"Warming drives a front of white spruce establishment near western treeline, Alaska" in Global Change Biology