Watanabe-Schock, Kumi |
2017 |
"Campus Lectures & Humboldt Digital Scholar" in HSU unConference |
Ward, Darren M. |
2017 |
"Life-history differences of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha across rearing locations in the Shasta River, California" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2017 |
"Herbivory impacts of elk, deer and cattle on aspen forest recruitment along gradients of stand composition, topography and climate" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2017 |
"Conflicting Perspectives on Spotted Owls, Wildfire, and Forest Restoration" in Fire Ecology |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2017 |
"Climate change and future wildfire in the western USA: what model projections do and don't tell us" in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts |
Wan, Ho Yi |
2017 |
"Meta-replication reveals nonstationarity in multi-scale habitat selection of Mexican Spotted Owl" in The Condor |
Walters, Nicola R. |
2017 |
"Listening to the Mattole: Lessons in Bioregionalism, Cannabis, and Capitalism from a Northern California Community" in Theses and Projects |
Waite, Ian R. |
2017 |
"Long-term fish monitoring in large rivers: Utility of 'benchmarking' across basins" in Fisheries |
Waite, Ian R. |
2017 |
"Multistressor predictive models of invertebrate condition in the Corn Belt, USA" in Freshwater Science |
Waite, Ian R. |
2017 |
"Influence of sediment chemistry and sediment toxicity on macroinvertebrate communities across 99 wadable streams of the Midwestern USA" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2018 |
"Assessing the influence of multiple stressors on stream diatom metrics in the upper Midwest, USA" in Ecological Indicators |
Wagner, Robert L. |
2017 |
"Microbial community structure and soil pH correspond to methane production in Arctic Alaska soils" in Environmental Microbiology |
Wagner, Robert L. |
2017 |
"The Effect of a Reduction in Microbial Diversity on Greenhouse Gas Production in Alaskan Tundra Soils" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vrtiak, Vanessa E. |
2017 |
"Reintegration in a rural community: strengths, barriers, and recommendations for reentry in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects |
Vollger, Kyra |
2017 |
"'O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!' The Power of Our Official and Unofficial National Anthems" in ideaFest Poster |
Vizenor, Nancy |
2017 |
"Benefits of participating in service-learning, business-related classes: assessing the impact on the community partners" in Journal of Research in Business Education |
Virnoche, Mary E. |
2017 |
"The Borderlands of Education: Latinas in Engineering Review" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Vincent-Layton, Kimberly |
2017 |
"Updates from the Academic Technology Team" in Check Out the Library |
Villalvazo, Osvaldo |
2017 |
"The effects of adapted physical education on students with Down syndrome: A Meta-Analysis" in Theses and Projects |
Vernon, Michael J. |
2017 |
"In the face of drought: Do fuel treatments promote resistance to multi-year drought in a mixed-conifer forest of northern California?" in Theses and Projects |
Vellanoweth, René L. |
2017 |
"A Cache Within a Cache: Description of an Abalone “Treasure-Box” from the CA-SNI-14 Redwood Box Cache, San Nicolas Island, Alta California" in California Archaeology |
Vazquez, Kimberly |
2017 |
"Familia Vázquez" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Varner, J. Morgan |
2017 |
"Impact of human factors on wildfire occurrence in Mississippi, United States" in Forest Policy and Economics |
Varner, J. Morgan |
2017 |
"Fires without tanoak: the effects of a non-native disease on future community flammability" in Biological Invasions |
Varner, J. Morgan |
2017 |
"Patterns of Duff Ignition and Smoldering beneath Old Pinus palustris: Influence of Tree Proximity, Moisture Content, and Ignition Vectors" in Forest Science |