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Displaying 276 - 300 of 1358
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2017

"Vitrification as an alternative approach for sperm cryopreservation in marine fishes" in North American Journal of Aquaculture

Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2017

"Progress and challenges of fish sperm vitrification: a mini review" in Theriogenology

Cultrera, Lucy 2017

"Voices of Cully: A Case Study of the Living Cully Weatherization and Home Repair Project 2.0" in Theses and Projects

Culver III, William 2017

"Within-Winter Flexibility in Muscle Masses, Myostatin, and Cellular Aerobic Metabolic Intensity in Passerine Birds" in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology

Cummings, Adam 2017

"Stream amphibians as metrics of ecosystem stress: a case study from California’s redwoods revisited" in General Technical Report

Cummins, Kenneth W. 2017

"Promoting a functional macroinvertebrate approach in the biomonitoring of Italian lotic systems" in Journal of Limnology

Cunha, Stephen F. 2017

"Perestroika to Parkland: The Evolution of Land Protection in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan" in Annals of the American Association of Geographers

Curran, Mindi Lea 2017

"Application of Agisoft Photoscan and sediment transport modeling for the analysis of sediment wave propagation succeeding gravel augmentation, Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River, Oregon" in Theses and Projects

Curtade, Andrea 2017

 "Who I am" in Toyon

Curtade, Andrea 2017

"Soy la hija de inmigrantes" in Toyon

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2017

"Geothermal implications of a refined composition-age geologic map for the volcanic terrains of Southeast Oregon, Northeast California, and Southwest Idaho, USA" in Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council


Dagley, Christa M. 2017

"Curtailing succession: Removing conifers enhances understory light and growth of young aspen in mixed stands around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management

Davis, Daniel B. 2017

Contingent Academic Labor: Evaluating Condition to Improve Outcomes

Davis, Haley M. 2017

"Greedy Modern Organization (G.M.O) Paradise" in Toyon

Dawson, Elizabeth J. 2019

"Results of the 2017 eastern and northern Bering Sea continental shelf bottom trawl survey of groundfish and invertebrate fauna" in NOAA Technical Memorandum

Day, Arielle 2017

"Review of Kabuki Costumes and Makeup" in Cal Poly Humboldt Library Rare Book Collection

De La Torre, Gabriela 2017

"A Lie" in Courageous Cuentos

Delgado De La Flor, Yvan A. 2017

"Patch and landscape-scale variables influence the taxonomic and functional composition of beetles in urban greenspaces" in Ecosphere

Delheimer, Matthew S. 2017

"What should go in a wildlife professional's geospatial toolbox?" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Dellysse, John 2017

"Developing a coastal GIS model of Sri Lanka to pinpoint areas at risk from tsunamis and SLR" in ideaFest Poster

Dellysse, John 2017

"Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Tidal Flood Events due to Sea Level Rise- US Highway 101 Humboldt Bay area" in State & Federal Reports and Publications

DeMark, Jeff 2017

Writing My Way Out of Adolescence

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"Not My Fault: Killer quakes weren't the biggest" in Times-Standard

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"One truly 'Extraordinary Voyage' continues next month" in Times-Standard

Dengler, Lori A. 2017

"Not My Fault: Big thrust faults dominate Humboldt County topography" in Times-Standard