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Displaying 251 - 275 of 1355
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Han, Han-Sup 2017

"Economic analysis of a small-sized combined heat and power plant using forest biomass in the Republic of Korea" in Forest Science and Technology

Ratner, Carl 2017

"The Generalized Pathology of Our Era: Comparing the Biomedical Explanation, the Cultural-Political Explanation, and a Liberal-Humanistic-Postmodernist Perspective" in International Critical Thought

Ward, Darren M. 2017

"Life-history differences of juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha across rearing locations in the Shasta River, California" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Sherriff, Rosemary L. 2017

"Spruce growth responses to warming vary by ecoregion and ecosystem type near the forest-tundra boundary in south-west Alaska" in Journal of Biogeography

Schriver, Madelinn 2017

"Spruce growth responses to warming vary by ecoregion and ecosystem type near the forest-tundra boundary in south-west Alaska" in Journal of Biogeography

Muth, Kelly 2017

"Spruce growth responses to warming vary by ecoregion and ecosystem type near the forest-tundra boundary in south-west Alaska" in Journal of Biogeography

Batzel, Rebecca 2017

"Spruce growth responses to warming vary by ecoregion and ecosystem type near the forest-tundra boundary in south-west Alaska" in Journal of Biogeography

Hansell, Dennis A. 2017

"Net community production and carbon export during the late summer in the Ross Sea, Antarctica" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Kornfeld, Ari 2017

"Plant Uptake of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide in Coast Redwood Forests" in JGR Biogeosciences

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2017

"Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America" in Water Resources Research

Butler, James H. 2018

"Designing the Climate Observing System of the Future" in Earth's Future

Till, Claire P. 2017

"Arctic deep water ferromanganese-oxide deposits reflect the unique characteristics of the Arctic Ocean" in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

Robertson, Roxanne R. 2018

"Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave" in Geophysical Research Letters

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2018

"Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave" in Geophysical Research Letters

Hansell, Dennis A. 2018

"Radiocarbon Content of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the South Indian Ocean" in Geophysical Research Letters

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2017

"The origins of the anomalous warming in the California coastal ocean and San Francisco Bay during 2014–2016" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Alvey, Erin 2017

"Fire severity alters the distribution of pyrogenic carbon stocks across ecosystem pools in a Californian mixed-conifer forest" in JGR Biogeosciences

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2017

"The Story of a Yakima Fold and How It Informs Late Neogene and Quaternary Backarc Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Manastash Anticline, Washington, USA" in Tectonics

Ladinsky, Tyler Curtis 2017

"The Story of a Yakima Fold and How It Informs Late Neogene and Quaternary Backarc Deformation in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Manastash Anticline, Washington, USA" in Tectonics

Bracken, Cameron 2018

"A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach to Multivariate Nonstationary Hydrologic Frequency Analysis" in Water Resources Research

Greene, David F. 2017

"Dispersal, diffusion, and migration" in International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology

Fingerman, Kevin R. 2017

"Opportunities and risks for sustainable biomass export from the south-eastern United States to Europe" in Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining

du Bois, Haley 2017

"Genomic integration of the full-length dystrophin coding sequence in Duchenne muscular dystrophy induced pluripotent stem cells" in Biotechnology Journal

Peterson, Gary W. 2017

"The Relation of Negative Career Thoughts to Depression and Hopelessness" in The Career Development Quarterly

Erwin, Joseph M. 2017

"Cholinergic innervation of the basal ganglia in humans and other anthropoid primates" in The Journal of Comparative Neurology