Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"The impact of anchored phylogenomics and taxon sampling on phylogenetic inference in narrow-mouthed frogs (Anura, Microhylidae)" in Cladistics |
Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences" in Zootaxa |
Peloso, Pedro |
2016 |
"Osteological malformation in the tree frog Hypsiboas geographicus (Anura: Hylidae)" in Phyllomedusa |
Peloso, Pedro |
2017 |
"Nomenclatural stability does not justify recognition of paraphyletic taxa: A response to Scherz et al. (2016)" in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Peloso, Pedro |
2017 |
"Amphibians and reptiles from Floresta Nacional de Pau-Rosa, Amazonas, Brazil: an important protected area at the heart of Amazonia" in Acta Amazonica |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2015 |
The U.S. Forest Carbon Accounting Framework: Stocks and Stock Change, 1990-2016 |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Missouri Forests 2013" in USFS Resource Bulletin |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
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"Indiana Forests 2013" in USFS Resource Bulletin |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"West Virginia Forests 2013" in USFS Resource Bulletin |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Minnesota Forests 2013" in USFS Resource Bulletin |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Forests of Wisconsin, 2015" in USFS Resource Update |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Spatial characteristics of early successional habitat across the Upper Great Lakes states" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Conservation and maintenance of soil and water resources" in Future Forests of the Northern United States |
Perry, Charles Hobart |
2016 |
"Estimating litter carbon stocks on forest land in the United States" in Science of The Total Environment |
Perryman, Holly Ann |
2016 |
"Generalized additive models for predicting the spatial distribution of billfishes and tunas across the Gulf of Mexico" in ICCAT Collective Volume of Scientific Papers |
Peterson, Gary W. |
2016 |
"The Career Decision State and Rehabilitation Counselor Education Programs" in Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin |
Peterson, Gary W. |
2016 |
"Effect of Brief Staff-Assisted Career Service Delivery on Drop-In Clients" in The Career Development Quarterly |
Peterson, Gary W. |
2016 |
"A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Negative Career Thoughts" in Journal of Career Assessment |
Peterson, Matthew L. |
2016 |
"Parallel evolution of the summer steelhead ecotype in multiple populations from Oregon and Northern California" in Conservation Genetics
Pfluger, Kristyna M. |
2016 |
"The effects of heat on δ13c and δ18o ratios in dental enamel: implications for forensic anthropology" in Theses and Projects |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"Spring in the Library" in Check Out the Library |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"L4HSU: Library Lifelong Learning Lounge" in Check Out the Library |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"L4HSU Creates Campus Connections" in Check Out the Library |
Phillips, Holly E. |
2016 |
"Nurturing the spirit of ICWA: reinforcing positive outcomes for indigenous children in out-of-home placement" in Theses and Projects |
Pina, Nicole |
2016 |
"What is Love? A Needs Assessment to Identify a Relevant Teen Dating Violence Education Curriculum for a High School" in IdeaFest Journal |