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Displaying 951 - 975 of 1185
Author Year Publications
Rowe, Yuliana 2016

"The Effects of Climate-Induced Forest Disturbances on Spiders in Northern Michigan" in Wildlife Research Poster

Rusch, Cory 2016

"Critical thinking development in education" in Theses and Projects

Ryan, Desiree 2016

"The role of perceptions of discrimination in the relationship between skin tone, socioeconomic status, and academic outcomes" in Theses and Projects

Ryan, Desiree 2016

"The mistreatment of others: Discrimination can undermine university identification, student health, and engagement" in Social Justice Research

Saetern, Kao 2016

"Needs assessment survey regarding community violence awareness in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds" in The Auk

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Signal Traits and Oxidative Stress: A Comparative Study across Populations with Divergent Signals" in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Stress response, gut microbial diversity and sexual signals correlate with social interactions" in Biology Letters

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"The maintenance of phenotypic divergence through sexual selection: An experimental study in barn swallows Hirundo rustica" in Evolution

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Cognitive Phenotypes and the Evolution of Animal Decisions" in Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2016

"Evolutionary Genetics: Small Genomic Regions Make a Big Impact" in Current Biology

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2017

"The importance of cross-validation, accuracy, and precision for measuring plumage color: A comment on Vaquero-Alba et al. (2016)" in The Auk

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2017

"Disruptive selection on plumage coloration across genetically determined morphs" in Animal Behaviour

Safran, Rebecca Jo 2018

"The rate of telomere loss is related to maximum lifespan in birds" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

Sahara, E. April 2016

"The relative contributions of disease and insects in the decline of a long-lived tree: a stochastic demographic model of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis)" in Forest Ecology and Management

Sanchez, Catherine 2016

"Con La Música, Te Recuerdo" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Sanchez, Catherine 2016

"Pantoum One" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Sanders, Nathan J. 2016

"The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules?" in Global Ecology and Biogeography

Sato, Yuko 2016

"Comparative Plasmodium gene overexpression reveals distinct perturbation of sporozoite transmission by profilin" in Molecular Biology of the Cell

Sawyer Jr., John O. 2016

California's Botanical Landscapes: A Pictorial View of the State's Vegetation

Scanlon, Kendra 2016

"Bridging the gap: assisting families to understand the child welfare system" in Theses and Projects

Schafer, John C. 2016

Võ Phiến and the Sadness of Exile

Schineller, Jeffrey B. 2016

"Minimally invasive collection of adipose tissue facilitates the study of eco-physiology in small-bodied mammals" in Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Schmitz, Marissa B. 2016

"Forest offsets and the California compliance market: Bringing an abstract ecosystem good to market" in Geoforum

Schmitz, Marissa B. 2016

"Ecosystem service commodification: Lessons from California" in Global Environmental Politics