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"Gatekeeping Games: A Topographic Consideration of Paraludic Borderlands" in 1st Joint Digital Games Research Association & Fundamentals of Digital Games Conference |
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"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation |
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"A Home for Lucille Vinyard's Lifework in Humboldt State University Library's Special Collections" in ideaFest Journal |
Garibay, Cathlyn |
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George, Ashley F. |
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Golightly, Richard T. |
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Golightly, Richard T. |
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Gonzalez, Juan Luis |
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Goodenough, Katherine S. |
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Goodenough, Katherine S. |
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"Mass Mortality Attributed to Acanthocephaliasis at a Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) Colony in Coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
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"Improving Hydrodynamic Modelling: an Analytical Framework for Assessment of Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models" in River Research and Applications |
Goodman, Damon H. |
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