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Displaying 376 - 400 of 1183
Author Year Publications
Garcia, M. J. 2016

"Sandstone provenance and detrital zircon geochronology record changes in Plio-Pleistocene tectonism of the Southern Cascadia forearc" in AGU Fall Meeting

Gardner, Daniel L. 2016

"Gatekeeping Games: A Topographic Consideration of Paraludic Borderlands" in 1st Joint Digital Games Research Association & Fundamentals of Digital Games Conference

Garfinkel, Megan B. 2016

"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation

Garibay, Cathlyn 2016

"A Home for Lucille Vinyard's Lifework in Humboldt State University Library's Special Collections" in ideaFest Journal 

Garibay, Cathlyn 2016

"Delivering HSU History to the Silicon Valley" in Check Out the Library

Geiger, Meribeth E. 2016

"Resisting linguistic genocide: language revitalization and immersion schools in Lingít Aaní, Southeast Alaska" in Theses and Projects

George, Ashley F. 2016

"Human Endometrial Fibroblasts Derived from Mesenchymal Progenitors Inherit Progesterone Resistance and Acquire an Inflammatory Phenotype in the Endometrial Niche in Endometriosis" in Biology of Reproduction

George, Ashley F. 2017

"Postnatal reproductive development and the lactocrine hypothesis" in Journal of Animal Science

Glenn, Mary E. 2016

"Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids" in Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences

Gold, Gregg J. 2016

"The Endorsement of Commentator Opinion: A Case of Manufactured Consent?" in Psychology of Popular Media Culture

Gold, Gregg J. 2016

"Kin to the Earth: Diane Beck" in Econews

Gold, Gregg J. 2016

"Academic Advising Support for Students on Academic Probation" in ideaFest Journal

Gold, Gregg J. 2017

"Rural entrepreneurs: what are the best indicators of their success?" in Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

Goldenberg, William Peter 2016

"Influence of food subsidies on the foraging ecology of a synanthropic species in protected areas" in Ecosphere

Golightly, Richard T. 2016

"State of the California current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 El Nino" in CalCOFI Report

Golightly, Richard T. 2016

"Restoration and Monitoring of Common Murre Colonies in Central California: Annual Report 2014" in Luckenbach Trustee Council Report

Golightly, Richard T. 2017

"State of the California Current 2016-17: Still Anything But "Normal" in the North" in CalCOFI Report

Golightly, Richard T. 2020

"Extreme mortality and reproductive failure of common murres resulting from the northeast Pacific marine heatwave of 2014-2016" in PLOS ONE

Gomez, Juan D. 2016

"Predicting future monthly residential energy consumption using building characteristics and climate data: A statistical learning approach" in Energy and Buildings

Gomez, Juan D. 2016

"A zip code study of socioeconomic, demographic, and household gendered influence on the residential energy sector" in Energy Reports

Gonzalez, Juan Luis 2016

"The Late Quaternary Rio Grande Delta- A distinctive, underappreciated geologic system" in Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions

Goodenough, Katherine S. 2016

"Birds of Two Oceans? Trans-Andean and Divergent Migration of Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger cinerascens) from the Peruvian Amazon" in PLOS ONE

Goodenough, Katherine S. 2017

"Mass Mortality Attributed to Acanthocephaliasis at a Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) Colony in Coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Goodman, Damon H. 2016

"Improving Hydrodynamic Modelling: an Analytical Framework for Assessment of Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models" in River Research and Applications

Goodman, Damon H. 2016

"Evolution of rough sculpin (Cottus asperrimus) genetic divergence and late Quaternary displacement on the Hat Creek fault, California, USA" in Conservation Genetics