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Displaying 101 - 125 of 1183
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Zender, Joshua R. 2016

"Education at the root of accounting excellence" in Strategic Finance

Aubin, Danielle 2016

"Building bridges of hope: a self-determination & human rights oriented curriculum for parents of transition age youth who experience extreme states, hear voices and/or experience extreme emotional distress" in Theses and Projects

Smith, Michael D. 2016

Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014

Harris, Albert W. 2016

"Negotiations" in The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication

Brown, Wendy Faye 2016

"Instructor Perspectives on Open Textbooks in Higher Education" in Theses and Projects

Mendia, Shannon M. 2016

"Examining ecosystem services and disservices of bear damage on Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation" in Theses and Projects

Vasquez, Edwin J. 2016

"Diversity courses as a form of ethnic identity exploration in college students" in Theses and Projects

Railsback, Steven F. 2016

"New predictions from old theory: Emergent effects of multiple stressors in a model of piscivorous fish" in Ecological Modelling

Martien, Jerry 2016

"Pacific Dogwood: Cornus nuttallii" in Forest Under Story

Garibay, Cathlyn 2016

"A Home for Lucille Vinyard's Lifework in Humboldt State University Library's Special Collections" in ideaFest Journal 

Accomando, Christina H. 2016

"The Pitfalls of Ally Performance: Why Coalition Work Is More Effective Than Ally Theater" in Psychology Today

Woglom, James F. 2016

"Teaching Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education: Still Becoming" in On Mutant Pedagogies

Spidal, Aaron B. 2016

"Sexual habitat segregation in migrant warblers along a shade gradient of Jamaican coffee farms" in Journal of Caribbean Ornithology

Harris, Andrew R. 2016

"Cost-effective electric vehicle charging infrastructure siting for Delhi" in Environmental Research Letters

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2016

"Integrating population dynamics models and distance sampling data: a spatial hierarchical state-space approach" in Ecology

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"A module-scale computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate hybrid osmotically-driven desalination systems" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Sanders, Nathan J. 2016

"The distribution and diversity of insular ants: do exotic species play by different rules?" in Global Ecology and Biogeography

Miranda, Melissa 2016

"The Influence of Light Intensity on Black-crowned Night Heron Roost Departure" in Wildlife Research Poster

Schutz, Caitlin D. 2016

"Expanding community space for peer-led lgbtq+ support groups in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects

Matlock II, Kevin A. 2016

"The Ethics and Limitations of Animal Research in Psychology" in Symposium: Seeing Our Relationships to Animals in a New Light

Murphy, Joanna R. 2016

 "A stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for application to large-scale systems: Experimental results and model predictions" in Desalination

Hansell, Dennis A. 2016

"Mechanisms controlling vertical variability of subsurface chlorophyll maxima in a mode-water eddy" in Journal of Marine Research

Love, Tyree 2016

"Pantoum Five" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zoellner, Robert W. 2016

"Beryllepin, C6H6Be, and beryllium-Inserted Benzenes, C6H6Ben, n = 2-6: A Density Functional Computational Investigation" in Heteroatom Chemistry

Parker, Linda A. 2016

"Cannabinoid Regulation of Acute and Anticipatory Nausea" in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research