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Displaying 301 - 325 of 1183
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Ryan, Desiree 2016

"The role of perceptions of discrimination in the relationship between skin tone, socioeconomic status, and academic outcomes" in Theses and Projects

Braje, Todd J. 2016

"California’s Red Abalone (Haliotis Rufescens) Middens: Comment on Glassow" in American Antiquity

Ramirez, Jacqueline 2016

"¿Dónde Está Shame?" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zender, Joshua R. 2016

"Marijuana Legalization’s Impact on State Budgets” in National Social Science Journal

Luczkovich, Joseph John 2016

"Does Vessel Noise Affect Oyster Toadfish Calling Rates?" in The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II

Wick, Alexander R. 2016

"Adaptive management of a riparian zone in the lower Klamath River basin, northern California: the effects of riparian harvest on canopy closure, water temperatures and baseflow" in Theses and Projects

Amaya, Karla 2016

"Those Hot Summer Days" in CouraGeous Cuentos

Burgess, Scott 2016

"Cuda programming in the core curriculum: a preliminary study" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Lind, Amy J. 2016

"Foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) oviposition site choice at multiple spatial scales" in Journal of Herpetology

Ergas, Sarina J. 2016

"Use of physical and biological process models to understand the performance of tubular anaerobic digesters" in Biochemical Engineering Journal

Parker, Michael 2016

"Changing Breeding Status of the Ashy Storm-petrel Oceanodroma Homochroa on Anacapa Island, California" in Marine Ornithology

Monteiro, Jorge H.S.K. 2016

"New Thiophene-functionalized Pyrene, Peropyrene and Teropyrene via Two- or Four-fold Alkyne Benzannulation and their Photophysical Properties" in Canadian Journal of Chemistry

Maravelias, Patrick 2016

"How to Cheat" in Osprey

Rix, Lisa 2016

"Foster parent strengths" in Theses and Projects

Hodge, Brian 2016

"Life History Diversity in Klamath River Steelhead" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Triplett, Bruce A. 2016

"Leadership, it's everyone's responsibility" in Theses and Projects

Hahn, Amanda C. 2016

"Are Men’s Perceptions of Sexually Dimorphic Vocal Characteristics Related to Their Testosterone Levels?" in PLOS ONE

Williams, Cameron B. 2016

"Tracheid and pit anatomy vary in tandem in a tall Sequoiadendron giganteum tree" in IAWA Journal

Maimone, Uriah J. 2016

"Anthropometric and physical characteristics of mixed martial art athletes" in Theses and Projects

Gustafson, R.D 2016

"A stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for application to large-scale systems: Experimental results and model predictions" in DESALINATION

Ramos, Seafha C. 2016

"Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge in wildlife conservation" in Natural Resource Report

Correa, Milly J. 2016

"News from the Lower Library: Learning Center Shocases Alumni" in Check Out the Library

Kim, Junghoon 2016

"Associations of Cadmium Concentrations in Blood and Urine with Walking Speed in US Adults" in Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health Conference

McGowan, Mitchell 2016

"Found Poem Dos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Howe, Tasha R. 2016

"Attitudes toward mental health services among homeless and matched housed youth" in Child and Youth Services