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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1184
Author Year Publications
Abell, Jeffrey T. 2016

"How Does Variability in Aragonite Saturation Proxies Impact Our Estimates of the Intensity and Duration of Exposure to Aragonite Corrosive Conditions in a Coastal Upwelling System?" in AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting

Aberson, Christopher L. 2005

"Case Studies: A Valuable Teaching Resource" in PsycCRITIQUES

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Strange results and implausible correlations in Croucher" in Communication Monographs

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Policy Type and Justification Influences on Support for Affirmative Action Policies" in Journal of Personnel Psychology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2016

"Rejoinder: results are still strange and explanations fall short" in Communication Monographs

Accomando, Christina H. 2016

"The Pitfalls of Ally Performance: Why Coalition Work Is More Effective Than Ally Theater" in Psychology Today

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"Pressure retarded osmosis: Applications" in Sustainable Energy from Salinity Gradients

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"The validation of a stepwise model of direct contact membrane distillation for large-scale applications" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"River-to-sea pressure retarded osmosis: Resource utilization in a full-scale facility" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"Exploring water reuse with a novel FO-DCMD hybrid membrane process" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"Aerobic Membrane Bioreactor" in Encyclopedia of Membranes

Achilli, Andrea 2016

"A module-scale computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate hybrid osmotically-driven desalination systems" in 26th Annual Meeting of the North American Membrane Society

Ackerman, James D. 1991

"Ecological Effects of Hurricanes" in Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America

Adams, David 2016

"Evaluating Exercise as Evidence-Based Practice for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder" in Frontiers in Public Health

Adams-Kane, Jonathon 2016

"Institutional Quality Mediates the Effect of Human Capital on Economic Performance" in Review of Development Economics

Adsit, Janelle 2016

“What Counts and What Works: Bringing Affect into ‘Effectiveness’ in Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Advocacy” in Contingency, Exploitation, and Solidarity: Labor and Action in English Composition

Aigner, Carrie J. 2016

"The Association of Pain With Smoking and Quit Attempts in an Electronic Diary Study of Cancer Patients Trying to Quit" in Nicotine & Tobacco Research

Aigner, Carrie J. 2016

"The Association of Smoking with English and Spanish Language Use as a Proxy of Acculturation Among Mexican-Americans" in Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Meeting the 24-hr movement guidelines: An update on US youth with autism spectrum disorder from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health" in Autism Research

Alberto, Brittani 2016

"Researching the Redwoods" in Library Student Projects

Alexander, April Diane 2016

"Psycho-social intervention manual for patients in cancer treatment: a collaboration between social worker and physicians" in Theses and Projects

Alexander, Nathan B. 2016

"Genetic structure and connectivity of the endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ingens) in a heterogeneous environment" in Theses and Projects

Alstone, Peter 2016

"2015 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California’s Demand Response Future: Interim Report on Phase 1 Results" in LBL Publications

Alvarado, Diego Israel 2016

"Effects of hydrotherapy on osteoarthritic older adult" in Theses and Projects

Alves, Evan 2016

"All in this together: building collaboration between indigenous and immigrant Hispanic populations in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects