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Displaying 501 - 525 of 1076
Author Year Publications
Johnson, Matthew D. 2015

"Influence of invasive European beachgrass on mesopredator activity in the coastal dunes of Northern California" in Western Wildlife

Johnson, Matthew D. 2015

"Aleutian Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii leucopareia use of pastures in relation to livestock management" in Wildfowl

Johnson, Matthew D. 2015

"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Global Ecology and Conservation

Johnson, Matthew D. 2016

"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation

Jones, Althea 2015

"Betty Chinn outreach project…building organizational capacity" in Theses and Projects

Jones, Haley Michelle 2015

"Utilizing an ecological approach to support a diverse group of students in a variety of schools receiving assistance through the County Office of Education" in Theses and Projects

Jules, Erik S. 2015

"Quantifying habitat loss: Assessing tree encroachment into a serpentine savanna using dendroecology and remote sensing" in Forest Ecology and Management

Jules, Erik S. 2015

"Multiple plant traits shape the genetic basis of herbivore community assembly" in Functional Ecology

Jules, Erik S. 2015

"Disturbance response across a productivity gradient: postfire vegetation in serpentine and nonserpentine forests" in Ecosphere

Kalinowski, Ryan 2015

"Who’s watching influences caching effort in wild Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri)" in Animal Cognition

Kandaris, Alexa 2015

"California Assembly Bill 32: GHG Cap and Trade Program" in ideaFest Poster

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2015

"Establishment and growth of piñon pine regeneration vary by nurse type along a soil substrate age gradient in northern Arizona" in Journal of Arid Environments

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2015

"Initial Vegetation Response to Fuel Mastication Treatments in Rare Butterfly Habitat of the Spring Mountains, Nevada" in Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2015

"Flammability of litter from southeastern trees: a preliminary assessment" in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2015

"To grow or defend? Pine seedlings grow less but induce more defences when a key resource is limited" in Tree Physiology

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2015

"The Flammability of Forest and Woodland Litter: a Synthesis" in Current Forestry Reports

Kanji, Joanna 2015

"Evaluating parent and caregivers outcomes of the “We Love Veggies” program" in Theses and Projects

Katz, Marco 2015

Music and Identity in Twentieth-Century Literature from Our America

Keer, Gr 2015

"The Stereotype Stereotype" in American Libraries Magazine

Kellermann, Jherime L. 2015

"Detecting mismatches of bird migration stopover and tree phenology in response to changing climate" in Oecologia

Kellermann, Jherime L. 2015

"Estimating the onset of spring from a complex phenology database: trade-offs across geographic scales" in International Journal of Biometeorology

Kellermann, Jherime L. 2015

Phenological Synchrony and Bird Migration: Changing Climate and Seasonal Resources in North America

Kelly, Erin Clover 2015

"Cooperative, cross-boundary management facilitates large-scale ecosystem restoration efforts" in California Agriculture

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2015

"Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Storms Recorded at Crescent City, California, USA" in AGU Fall Meeting

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2015

"Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for a 4500-year history of Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis at Yaquina River estuary, Oregon, USA" in Geological Society of America Bulletin