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Displaying 801 - 825 of 1084
Author Year Publications
Railsback, Steven F. 2015

"Assessing Pesticide Risks to Threatened and Endangered Species Using Population Models: Findings and Recommendations from a CropLife America Science Forum" in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

Railsback, Steven F. 2016

"New predictions from old theory: Emergent effects of multiple stressors in a model of piscivorous fish" in Ecological Modelling

Railsback, Steven F. 2016

"Modeling potential river management conflicts between frogs and salmonids" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Railsback, Steven F. 2016

"InSTREAM-Gen: Modelling eco-evolutionary dynamics of trout populations under anthropogenic environmental change" in Ecological Modelling

Ramirez, Janette 2015

"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster

Rana, Meenal 2015

"Religion" in Transitions: The development of children of immigrants

Rana, Meenal 2015

"My Culture Helps Me Make Good Decisions: Cultural Adaptation of Sudanese Refugee Emerging Adults" in Journal of Adolescent Research

Rao, Mahesh N. 2015

"Integrated Modeling of Drought-Impacted Areas using Remote Sensing and Microenvironmental Data in California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Rao, Mahesh N. 2015

"Remote sensing systems—platforms and sensors: Aerial, satellite, UAV, optical, radar, and LIDAR" in Remotely Sensed Data Characterization, Classification, and Accuracies

Rao, Mahesh N. 2017

"Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000–2015) data" in International Journal of Digital Earth

Raphael, Ray 2015

"Review of Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor: The Forging of American Independence, 1774–1776" in The Historian

Raphael, Ray 2015

"Review of Governed by a Spirit of Opposition: The Origins of American Political Practice in Colonial Philadelphia" in Journal of American History

Raskin, Karen 2015

"A Heritage Preservation Needs Assessment for the Yager/Van Duzen Environmental Stewards" in Theses and Projects

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Cooperatives" in The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Recuperación y promoción de las ideas de Martín-Baró sobre psicología, cultura y transformación social" in Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Neoliberal Co-optation of Leading Co-op Organizations, and a Socialist Counter-Politics of Cooperation" in Monthly Review

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Rethinking the Politics of the Mainstream Co-op Movement" in Social Economy in China and the World

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Political Neutrality and The Cooperative Movement" in Center for Popular Economics

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Classic and Revisionist Sociocultural Theory and Their Analyses of Expressive Language: An Empirical Assessment" in Language and Sociocultural Theory

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Cooperative Economics in Brazil: The Unisol Cooperative Network" in Grassroots Economic Organizing

Ray, Sarah Jaquette 2015

"Nature Writing and the American West" in A History of Western American Literature

Rebenack, J. J. 2015

"Early emigration of juvenile coho salmon: implications for population monitoring" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Reilly, Matthew J. 2015

"Regional variation in stand structure and development in forests of Oregon, Washington, and inland Northern California" in Ecosphere

Reiss, John O. 2015

"Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo" in Biological Theory

Rennie, Kerry M. 2015

"Home range overlap and spatial-temporal interactions in female fishers on the Hoopa Indian Reservation in California" in Theses and Projects