Gabriel, Mourad Wisam |
2015 |
"Patterns of Natural and Human-Caused Mortality Factors of a Rare Forest Carnivore, the Fisher (Pekania pennanti) in California" in PLoS ONE |
Gabriel, Pia O. |
2015 |
"Who’s watching influences caching effort in wild Steller’s jays (Cyanocitta stelleri)" in Animal Cognition |
Gabriel, Pia O. |
2015 |
"Steller's Jay conditioned aversion treatment in the Santa Cruz Mountains in 2013" in Reports |
Gabriels, Samuel |
2015 |
"The Effects of Literature as a Guidebook: Reimagining Landscapes through Barry Lopez’s Desert Notes" in Theses and Projects |
Gahtan, Ethan |
2015 |
"Selective toxicity of L-DOPA to dopamine transporter-expressing neurons and locomotor behavior in zebrafish larvae" in Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
Galioto, Angela |
2015 |
"Development and Validation of the Humboldt Idealism Questionnaire" in ideaFest Poster |
Gara, Tawanda W. |
2015 |
"Predicting forest carbon stocks from high resolution satellite data in dry forests of Zimbabwe: exploring the effect of the red-edge band in forest carbon stocks estimation" in Geocarto International |
Gara, Tawanda W. |
2015 |
"Indigenous forest wood volume estimation in a dry savanna, Zimbabwe : exploring the performance of high-and-medium spatial resolution multispectral sensors" in Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa |
Gara, Tawanda W. |
2015 |
"Investigating flash floods potential areas using ASCAT and TRMM satellites in the Western Cape Province, South Africa" in Geocarto International |
Gardner, Jeff |
2015 |
"Nomads on the Bay" in Osprey |
Garfinkel, Megan B. |
2015 |
"Pest-removal services provided by birds on small organic farms in northern California" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment |
Garfinkel, Megan B. |
2015 |
"Competition and Habitat Quality Influence Age and Sex Distribution in Wintering Rusty Blackbirds" in PLOS ONE |
Garfinkel, Megan B. |
2016 |
"Quantifying pest control services by birds and ants in Kenyan coffee farms" in Biological Conservation |
Gil, Monique |
2015 |
"Freshwater Farms Reserve Nature Trails Public Access and Sea Level Rise Recommendations" in Theses and Projects |
Gilkerson, Whelan |
2015 |
"Predicting effects of environmental change on a migratory herbivore" in Ecosphere |
Gillette, Rebecca |
2015 |
"Cultural competency curriculum" in Theses and Projects |
Giolitto, Svandis Unnur |
2015 |
"Normative portions: alignment of descriptive and injunctive norms for portion size reduction" in Theses and Projects |
Glebocki, Radoslaw |
2015 |
"Fuel loading and moisture dynamics in thinned coast redwood – Douglas-fir forests in Headwaters Forest Reserve, California" in Theses and Projects |
Glenn, Mary E. |
2016 |
"Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids" in Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological sciences |
Goetz, Peter |
2015 |
"Some non-Koszul algebras from rational homotopy theory" in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Goldsmith, Greg H. |
2015 |
"Temporal genetic analysis of the endangered tidewater goby: extinction–colonization dynamics or drift in isolation?" in Molecular Ecology |
Golightly, Richard T. |
2015 |
"State of the California Current 2014-15: Impacts of the warm-water "Blob"" in CalCOFI Report |
Golightly, Richard T. |
2016 |
"State of the California current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 El Nino" in CalCOFI Report |
Gomez, Kevynn |
2015 |
"Moving Forward" in Osprey |
Gomez, Kevynn |
2015 |
"Spotlight on Fashion: Ian Hurtado Zafra" in Osprey |