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Displaying 926 - 950 of 1088
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Biddle, Mathew M. 2015

"Arctic Ocean Regional Climatology" in NOAA Data Set

Risling Baldy, Cutcha 2015

"Hupa Language Thrives Through Online Resources” in Two Rivers Tribune

Ofodu, Meniru 2015

"What is poverty and its impact on homelessness in the United States?" in Theses and Projects

Burkart, Patrick 2015

"Piracy and Social Change-Revisiting Piracy Cultures Editorial Introduction" in International Journal of Communication

Olvera, Michael 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

Henkel, Terry W. 2015

"Sarcodon in the Neotropics I: new species from Guyana, Puerto Rico and Belize" in Mycologia

Deshmukh, Ranjit 2015

Renewable Energy Zones for the Africa Clean Energy Corridor

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Neoliberal Co-optation of Leading Co-op Organizations, and a Socialist Counter-Politics of Cooperation" in Monthly Review

Kinziger, Andrew P. 2015

"Temporal genetic analysis of the endangered tidewater goby: extinction–colonization dynamics or drift in isolation?" in Molecular Ecology

Brokaw, Alyson Frances 2015

"Assessing the use of social calls to attract bats to artificial roost sites" in Theses and Projects

Bense-Kang, Delia 2015

"Freshwater Farms Reserve Nature Trails Public Access and Sea Level Rise Recommendations" in Theses and Projects

Boston, Kevin D. 2015

"Search reversion within s-metaheuristics: impacts illustrated with a forest planning problem" in Silva Fennica

Ackerman-Barger, Kupiri W. 2015

"Critical Race Theory as a Lens for Exploring Inclusion and Equity in Nursing Education" in Journal of Theory Construction and Testing

Kanji, Joanna 2015

"Evaluating parent and caregivers outcomes of the “We Love Veggies” program" in Theses and Projects

Wicksten, Mary 2015

Vertical Reefs

Castro, Kimberlee K. 2015

"Utilizing a collaborative, response to intervention approach to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of students and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds" in Theses and Projects

Marín-Jarrín, José R. 2015

"Spatio-temporal variability of the surf-zone fauna of two Ecuadorian sandy beaches" in Marine and Freshwater Research

Bell, Justin 2015

"Bird on a Stick" in Osprey

Peery, M. Zachariah 2015

"Life-history tradeoffs and reproductive cycles in Spotted Owls" in Auk

Marzluff, John M. 2015

"A cross-continental look at the patterns of avian species diversity and composition across an urbanisation gradient" in Wildlife Research

Montgomery, Timothy D. 2015

"Biomass power plant feedstock procurement: Modeling transportation cost zones and the potential for competition" in California Agriculture

Lalemand, Laura 2015

"Forest Response to Severe Drought: Do restoration thinning treatments in coast redwood-Douglas fir forests increase resiliency to drought?" in ideaFest Poster

Adsit, Janelle 2015

Affective Advocacy: Answering Institutional Productions of Precarity in the Corporate University” in Special Issue: Institutional Feelings: Practicing Women's Studies in the Corporate University

Braje, Todd J. 2015

"Review of New Histories of Pre-Columbian Florida" in American Anthropologist

Boyle, Liza 2015

"Quantification of a Minimum Detectable Soiling Level to Affect Photovoltaic Devices by Natural and Simulated Soils" in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics