First Name: Jherime L.Last Name: KellermannPublications: YearPublication 2003"Survival, dispersal, and home-range establishment of reintroduced captive-bred puaiohi, Myadestes palmeri" in Biological Conservation 2006"Breeding Biology and Success of a Reintroduced Population of the Critically Endangered Puaiohi (Myadestes Palmeri)" in The Auk 2007"Ecological and economic services provided by birds on Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee farms" in Theses and Projects 2008"Ecological and Economic Services Provided by Birds on Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Farms" in Conservation Biology 2009"Effects of shade and bird exclusion on arthropods and leaf damage on coffee farms in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains" in Agroforestry Systems 2010"Pest reduction services by birds in shade and sun coffee in Jamaica" in Animal Conservation 2014"Phenology research for natural resource management in the United States" in International Journal of Biometeorology 2014"Organizing phenological data resources to inform natural resource conservation" in Biological Conservation 2015"Detecting mismatches of bird migration stopover and tree phenology in response to changing climate" in Oecologia 2015"Estimating the onset of spring from a complex phenology database: trade-offs across geographic scales" in International Journal of Biometeorology 2015Phenological Synchrony and Bird Migration: Changing Climate and Seasonal Resources in North America 2017"Snowmelt timing, phenology, and growing season length in conifer forests of Crater Lake National Park, USA" in International Journal of Biometeorology