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Displaying 851 - 875 of 980
Author Year Publications
Teal, Janae 2015

"'Black trans bodies are under attack': gender non-conforming homicide victims in the U.S. 1995-2014" in Theses and Projects

Tepley, Alan J. 2014

"Post-fire tree establishment and early cohort development in conifer forests of the western Cascades of Oregon, USA" in Ecosphere

Thayer, Shawnee Olivette 2014

"Exploration of the relationship between childhood overweight status, weight-based teasing, and body image dissatisfaction in formerly overweight adults" in Theses and Projects

Thobaben, Marshelle 2002

"Accessibility, Quality, and Readability of Health Information on the Internet: Implication for Home Health Care Professionals" in Home Health Care Management & Practice

Thobaben, Marshelle 2002

"The Aftermath of the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder" in Home Health Care Management & Practice

Thomas, Shaquinta 2014

"Spreading awareness about the commercial sexual exploitation of minors in Humboldt County to prevent victimization and inform the community as to influence policies to protect those who go unseen" in Theses and Projects

Thornquist, Heidi K. 2015

"Assessing the role of mini-applications in predicting key performance characteristics of scientific and engineering applications" in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Tissot, Brian N. 2014

"Understanding the Scale of Marine Protection in Hawai‘i: from Community-Based Management to the Remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands" in Advances in Marine Biology

Tissot, Brian N. 2014

"Marine Protected Area Networks: Assessing Whether The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts" in Plos ONE

Tissot, Brian N. 2014

"Current Trends in the Analysis of Co-Management Arrangements in Coral Reef Ecosystems: a Social–ecological Systems Perspective" in Current Opinion in Environmental  Sustainability

Tissot, Brian N. 2014

"Caught In The Act: How The U.S. Lacey Act Can Hamper The Fight Against Cyanide Fishing In Tropical Coral Reefs" in Conservation Letters

Tjarnstrom, Frances Ruth 2014

"Determining the impacts of forage consumption by Aleutian cackling geese on livestock production from north coastal pasture lands in Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

Tomescu, Alexandru M.F. 2014

"Plant evolution at the interface of paleontology and developmental biology: An organism-centered paradigm" in American Journal of Botany

Tomescu, Alexandru M.F. 2014

"Early Evolution of the Vascular Plant Body Plan — the Missing Mechanisms" in Current Opinion in Plant Biology

Torgerson, Ted J. 2014

"Latrine site selection and seasonal habitat use of a coastal river otter population" in Theses and Projects

Trainor, Mckenzie M. 2014

"Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola) and Orangequit (Euneornis campestris) body condition in response to shade coffee habitat in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica" in Journal of Caribbean Ornithology

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2014

"Buffering negative impacts of divorce on children: Evaluating impact of divorce education" in Journal of Extension

Tripp, Cody 2014

“Development of a Multi-purpose Electrospray,-Electron Impact Tandem Mass Spectrometer” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research

Truong, Denise 2014

"Potential Future Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Shellfish Mariculture in Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects

Tucker, Jennifer Lauren 2014

"Susceptibility of Fish and Turtles to Three Ranaviruses Isolated from Different Ectothermic Vertebrate Classes" in Journal of Aquatic Animal Health

Turner, Denita 2014

"Beating the System" in Osprey

Turney, Aria L. 2014

"Running for Exercise Mitigates Age-Related Deterioration of Walking Economy" in PLOS ONE

Tyburczy, Joe 2014

"State of the California current 2013-14: El niño looming" in California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports

Uehling, Jessie K. 2014

"Cantharellaceae Of Guyana II: New Species Of Craterellus, New South American Distribution Records For Cantharellus Guyanensis And Craterellus Excelsus, And A Key To The Neotropical Taxa" in Mycologia

Uehling, Jessie K. 2014

"Fungal biology: compiling genomes and exploiting them" in New Phytologist