Sillett, Stephen C. |
2014 |
"Structural development of redwood branches and its effects on wood growth" in Tree Physiology |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2014 |
"Pushing the limits to tree height: could foliar water storage compensate for hydraulic constraints in Sequoia sempervirens?" in Functional Ecology |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2014 |
"Millennium-scale crossdating and inter-annual climate sensitivities of standing California redwoods" in PLoS One |
Sillett, Stephen C. |
2014 |
"Bat Activity Across the Vertical Gradient of an Old-Growth Sequoia sempervirens Forest" in Acta Chiropterologica |
Simonson, Kevin |
2014 |
"Physiological stress reactivity and empathy following social exclusion: A test of the defensive emotional analgesia hypothesis" in Social Neuroscience |
Singh, Harinder |
2014 |
"The relationship between how HIP (human, impact, profit) affects airport financial performance" in Theses and Projects |
Sinn, David |
2014 |
"Boldness towards novelty and translocation success in captive-raised, orphaned Tasmanian devils" in Zoo Biology |
Sinn, David |
2015 |
"Which personality dimensions do puppy tests measure? A systematic procedure for categorizing behavioral assays" in Behavioural Processes |
Sinn, David |
2015 |
"Do you see what I see? Can non-experts with minimal training reproduce expert ratings in behavioral assessments of working dogs?" in Behavioural Processes |
Sleeth-Keppler, David |
2014 |
"Bringing the External Environment into the Classroom: Scanning in the Marketing Curriculum" in Society for Marketing Advances Proceedings |
Sleeth-Keppler, David |
2014 |
"Open Intelligence Gathering in the Marketing Curriculum" in Marketing Management Association Annual Conference Proceedings |
Smith, Brian D. |
2014 |
"To See or Not to See: Investigating Detectability of Ganges River Dolphins Using a Combined Visual-Acoustic Survey" in PLoS ONE |
Smith, Chris J. |
2014 |
"First Description of Nest, Eggs, Incubation Behavior, and Nestlings of Trilling Tapaculo (Scytalopus Parvirostris)" in Wilson Journal of Ornithology |
Smith, Chris J. |
2014 |
"Bird communities in sun and shade coffee farms in Kenya" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, David |
2014 |
"Tests of the Weak Equivalence Principal Below Fifty Microns" in APS April Meeting |
Smith, David |
2014 |
"Sensitivity Considerations for a Short-range Test of the Gravitational Inverse-square Law" in APS April Meeting |
Smith, David |
2013 |
"Short Range Tests of Gravity" in APS April Meeting |
Smith, Evan Walton |
2014 |
"Similar watershed cross-correlation and climate stationarity, Cherry Creek, California" in Theses and Projects |
Smith, James P. |
2014 |
Field guide to California grasses |
Smith, James P. |
2014 |
"Vascular Plants of Big Lagoon County Park Humboldt County, California" in Botanical Studies OER |
Smith, James P. |
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"Plants of the Humboldt State University Campus" in Botanical Studies OER |
Smith, Michael D. |
2016 |
Food security among Hispanic adults in the United States, 2011-2014 |
Som, Nicholas A |
2014 |
"Using Cure Models for Analyzing the Influence of Pathogens on Salmon Survival" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Som, Nicholas A |
2014 |
"Spatial sampling on streams: principles for inference on aquatic networks" in Environmetrics |
Som, Nicholas A |
2014 |
"A mapping technique to evaluate age-0 salmon habitat response from restoration" in Restoration Ecology |