Wilson, Beth |
2007 |
"Apartment Rents and Locations in Portland Oregon A Comparison: 1992-2002" in Journal of Real Estate Research |
Wilson, Beth |
2008 |
"Economic Impact and Input-Output Analysis" in Mathematics Colloquium, Cal Poly Humboldt |
Wilson, Beth |
2011 |
"Teaching Sustainable Rural Economic Development Using Service-Learning Pedagogy" in Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning |
Wilson, Beth |
2014 |
"Does Supplemental Instruction for Principles of Economics Improve Outcomes for Traditionally Underrepresented Minorities?" in International Review of Economics Education |
Wilson, Brandie R. |
2009 |
"An adventure in creating a socially just community college: a case study of a Northern California community college" in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Carol A. |
2007 |
"Age-related movements and distribution of western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) broods" in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Carol A. |
2010 |
"Movements and Fledging Success of Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Chicks" in Waterbirds |
Wilson, Christy |
2024 |
"Yo Soy Quien Soy" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Wilson, Elizabeth F. |
2006 |
"The effect of overstory canopy density alterations on air temperature in a managed redwood forest" in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Elizabeth-Anne L. |
2011 |
"Where have all the men gone? A look into men in Early Childhood Education" in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Emily Erin |
2011 |
"The facilitative role of an introduced bryozoan (Watersipora spp.): structuring fouling community assemblages within Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Emma |
2023 |
"Enough Dam Nonsense" in Osprey |
Wilson, Emma |
2023 |
"Comfort Corner: Grandma's 2-Day Lasagna" in Osprey |
Wilson, Herschel M. "Peter" |
1978 |
"Books: Recounting the Sex Radicals' Activities" in Journalism History |
Wilson, Josh |
2020 |
“A Review of the Evidence Supporting Play-Based Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Theses and Projects |
Wilson, Keelye |
2021 |
"Circulation on the Go" in Check Out the Library |
Wilson, Madeleine Dax |
2021 |
"The Green World is Calling and She Must Go: Rhetoric of Adventure and Betrayal in Shakespeare's Othello" in Toyon |
Wilson, Madeline |
2021 |
"Interviews with Rabbi Eli Cowen and Rabbi Naomi Steinberg" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive |
Wilson, Mark S. |
1999 |
"In situ, real-time catabolic gene expression: Extraction and characterization of naphthalene dioxygenase mRNA transcripts from groundwater" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
Wilson, Mark S. |
2003 |
"Horizontal transfer of phnAc dioxygenase genes within one of two phenotypically and genotypically distinctive naphthalene-degrading guilds from adjacent soil environments" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
Wilson, Mark S. |
2006 |
"Geochemical and Biological Diversity of Acidic, Hot Springs in Lassen Volcanic National Park" in Geomicrobiology Journal |
Wilson, Mark S. |
2008 |
"Novel archaea and bacteria dominate stable microbial communities in North America's Largest Hot Spring" in Microbial Ecology |
Wilson, Mark S. |
2013 |
"Microbial biogeochemistry of Boiling Springs Lake: a physically dynamic, oligotrophic, low-pH geothermal ecosystem" in Geobiology |
Wilson, Mark S. |
2015 |
"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal |
Wilson, Nicholas |
2022 |
"Genotype accounts for intraspecific variation in the timing and duration of multiple, sequential life-cycle events in a willow species" in American Journal of Botany |