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Displaying 24726 - 24750 of 25443
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Ryden, Roy W. 1980

"Personal thoughts on Humboldt State - 1980" in Forum

Okin, Louis A. 1980

"A Hellenistic Historian Looks at Mythology: Duris of Samos and the Mythical Tradition" in Panhellenica: Essays in Ancient History and Historiography in honor of Truesdell S. Brown

Fritzsche, Ronald A. 1980

"Early osteological development of white perch and striped bass with emphasis on identification of their larvae. [Morone saxatilis; Morone americana]" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Davis, Shan 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 1

Davis, Shan 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 2

Grantham, Patricia 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 1

Shaw, Lynn 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 1

Bennett, Ruth 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 1

Bennett, Ruth 1980

Karuk Stories - Vol. 2

Henry, William G. 1980

"Populations and behavior of black brant at Humboldt Bay, California" in Theses and Projects

Ackerman, James D. 1980

"The Effectiveness of Fungus Gnats as Pollinators" in American Journal of Botany

Jasmer, Douglas P. 1980

"The parasites of the Botta pocket gopher Thomomys bottae and the taxonomy and biology of Ransomus rodentorum" in Theses and Projects

Holmes, Thor 1980

"Locomotor adaptations in the limb skeletons of North American mustelids" in Theses and Projects

Woolington, Dennis W. 1980

"Migration and wintering ecology of the Aleutian Canada goose" in Theses and Projects

Oliner, Pearl M. 1980

"Review of Altruism, Socialism, and Society" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

West, Linda 1980

"A study of flood-hazard perception, Arcata Bottoms area, Mad River floodplain, Humboldt County, California" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Harper, John L. 1980

"A study of flood-hazard perception, Arcata Bottoms area, Mad River floodplain, Humboldt County, California" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Duffy, Walter G. 1980

Environmental Baseline and Evaluation of the St. Mary's River Dredging: Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Program

Borgers, Tom R. 1980

"Simulation model for the performance analysis of roof pond systems for heating and cooling" in International Solar Energy Society Conference

Rechtin, Julie 1979

"The Humboldt Spirit" in Forum

Wood, Frank B. 1979

"At school in Hallowell, Maine and elsewhere" in Forum

Balabanis, Homer P. 1979

"Early years of Humboldt: personal thoughts and recollections, part 1: The first ten years of Humboldt" in Forum

Balabanis, Homer P. 1979

"Early years of Humboldt: personal thoughts and recollections. Part 2: Humboldt State Teachers Colege, 1923-1930" in Forum

Balabanis, Homer P. 1979

"Early years of Humboldt : personal thoughts and recollections, part 2: Humboldt State Teachers College, 1923-1930" in Forum

Coyne, Peter 1979

"For the general education of students" in Forum