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Displaying 24701 - 24725 of 25478
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Wilson, Brandie R. 2009

"An adventure in creating a socially just community college: a case study of a Northern California community college" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Carol A. 2007

"Age-related movements and distribution of western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) broods" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Carol A. 2010

"Movements and Fledging Success of Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Chicks" in Waterbirds

Wilson, Christy 2024

"Yo Soy Quien Soy" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Wilson, Elizabeth F. 2006

"The effect of overstory canopy density alterations on air temperature in a managed redwood forest" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Elizabeth-Anne L. 2011

"Where have all the men gone? A look into men in Early Childhood Education" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Emily Erin 2011

"The facilitative role of an introduced bryozoan (Watersipora spp.): structuring fouling community assemblages within Humboldt Bay" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Emma 2023

"Enough Dam Nonsense" in Osprey

Wilson, Emma 2023

"Comfort Corner: Grandma's 2-Day Lasagna" in Osprey

Wilson, Herschel M. "Peter" 1978

"Books: Recounting the Sex Radicals' Activities" in Journalism History

Wilson, Josh 2020

 “A Review of the Evidence Supporting Play-Based Learning for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Keelye 2021

"Circulation on the Go" in Check Out the Library

Wilson, Madeleine Dax 2021

"The Green World is Calling and She Must Go: Rhetoric of Adventure and Betrayal in Shakespeare's Othello" in Toyon

Wilson, Madeline 2021

"Interviews with Rabbi Eli Cowen and Rabbi Naomi Steinberg" in Humboldt in the Time of Covid - Digital Archive

Wilson, Mark S. 1999

"In situ, real-time catabolic gene expression: Extraction and characterization of naphthalene dioxygenase mRNA transcripts from groundwater" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Wilson, Mark S. 2003

"Horizontal transfer of phnAc dioxygenase genes within one of two phenotypically and genotypically distinctive naphthalene-degrading guilds from adjacent soil environments" in Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Wilson, Mark S. 2006

"Geochemical and Biological Diversity of Acidic, Hot Springs in Lassen Volcanic National Park" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Wilson, Mark S. 2008

"Novel archaea and bacteria dominate stable microbial communities in North America's Largest Hot Spring" in Microbial Ecology

Wilson, Mark S. 2013

"Microbial biogeochemistry of Boiling Springs Lake: a physically dynamic, oligotrophic, low-pH geothermal ecosystem" in Geobiology

Wilson, Mark S. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Wilson, Nicholas 2022

"Genotype accounts for intraspecific variation in the timing and duration of multiple, sequential life-cycle events in a willow species" in American Journal of Botany

Wilson, Nickolas 2013

"Reflexive realism: an examination of moral realism in the philosophy and fiction of Iris Murdoch" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Paul 1991

"Natural Hybridization in Western Gooseberries (ribes subgenus grossularia: grossulariaceae)" in Madrono

Wilson, Paul G. 2001

"The legacy of the log boom: Humboldt County logging from 1945 to 1955" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Wilson, R. A. 1992

"Nesting success of the plain titmouse, Parus inornatus, as an indicator of habitat quality in blue oak woodlands" in Theses and Projects