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Displaying 24676 - 24700 of 25478
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Willis, Robert 1987

"Water Resources Systems Planning: Some Case Studies for India" in Eos

Willis, Robert 1988

"Planning Model for Optimal Control of Saltwater Intrusion" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1989

"Water Resources Management in North China Plain" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1989

"Stochastic analysis of estuarine hydraulics. I: One dimensional steady flow" in Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics

Willis, Robert 1992

"Conjunctive-Use Planning in Mad River Basin, California" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1992

"Quasi-Three-Dimensional Optimization Model of Jakarta Basin" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1996

"Disaggregation Modeling Process for Climatic Time Series" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 2012

"A Multi-Objective, Linked-Simulation-Optimization of Henry’s Saltwater Intrusion Problem using HST3D and Box’s Method" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Willis, Wendy Cristina 2015

"The Political Ecology of Shade Coffee: Perspectives from Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers" in Theses and Projects

Willis, Wendy Cristina 2020

Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society

Willits, Margaret Lee 1995

"The regeneration of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) in Douglas-Fir forests in northwestern California" in Theses and Projects

Willoughby, Lisa M. 1996

"Optokinetic Rotation-Induced Taste Aversions Correlate with Over-All Symptoms of Motion Sickness in Humans" in Perceptual and Motor Skills

Wills, Payton 2019

"Only Birds Can Start Wildfires" in ideaFest Poster

Wills, Robin D. 1991

"Fire history and stand development of Douglas-fir/hardwood forests in northern California" in Theses and Projects

Wills, Robin D. 1991

"Fire history and stand development of Douglas-fir/hardwood forests in northern California" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Andrea Michelle 2023

"Identification with all of humanity, uncertainty, and beliefs toward animals" in Theses and Projects

Wilson, Beth 1999

"Spatial Dynamics and Heterogeneity in the Cyclicality of Real Wages" in The Review of Economics and Statistics,

Wilson, Beth 2000

"Transportation Routes, Apartment Rents and the Assessment of Value" in Essays in Honor of James A Graaskamp: Ten Years After, Research Issues in Real Estate

Wilson, Beth 2002

"Estimating the Connections Between Location and Property Value" in Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education

Wilson, Beth 2006

The Economic Impact Report of the Ingomar Theater Renovation

Wilson, Beth 2006

The Economic Impact Report of Loans Made by Arcata Economic Development Corporation (AEDC)

Wilson, Beth 2007

"Apartment Rents and Locations in Portland Oregon A Comparison: 1992-2002" in Journal of Real Estate Research

Wilson, Beth 2008

"Economic Impact and Input-Output Analysis" in Mathematics Colloquium, Cal Poly Humboldt

Wilson, Beth 2011

"Teaching Sustainable Rural Economic Development Using Service-Learning Pedagogy" in Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning

Wilson, Beth 2014

"Does Supplemental Instruction for Principles of Economics Improve Outcomes for Traditionally Underrepresented Minorities?" in International Review of Economics Education