Vellanoweth, René L. |
2021 |
"Morphometric and stable isotope analysis of archaeological Totoaba macdonaldi otoliths, Baja California, México" in Quaternary International |
Ver Meer, Jenna |
2020 |
“Department News” in Humboldt Geographic |
Ver Meer, Jenna |
2021 |
"Rhovanion" in Humboldt Geographic |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2010 |
"The climate impacts of bioenergy systems depend on market and regulatory policy contexts" in Environmental Science and Technology |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2011 |
"Boundaries matter: Greenhouse gas emission reductions from alternative waste treatment strategies for California's municipal solid waste" in Resources, Conservation and Recycling |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2012 |
"Municipal solid waste and the environment: A global perspective" in Annual Review of Environment and Resources |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2015 |
"Attributional and Consequential Life-cycle Assessment in Biofuels: a Review of Recent Literature in the Context of System Boundaries" in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2016 |
"The Efficiency of Informality: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Informal Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia" in Journal of Industrial Ecology |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2018 |
"Networking our science to characterize the state, vulnerabilities, and management opportunities of soil organic matter" in Global Change Biology |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2019 |
"Greenhouse gas emissions from windrow composting of organic wastes: Patterns and emissions factors" in Environmental Research Letters |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2019 |
"Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Emission Factors Derived from a Micrometeorological Mass Balance Method During Composting Food Waste at a Facility Scale" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2021 |
"Overlooked Emissions: Methane Generation from Woody Biomass Storage" in SSRN |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2022 |
"Overlooked emissions: influence of environmental variables on greenhouse gas generation from woody biomass storage" in Fuel |
Vergara, Sintana E. |
2023 |
"Assessing the climate change mitigation potential from food waste composting" in Scientific Reports |
Vergel de Dios, Amelia R. |
2023 |
"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
VerLinden, Jay |
1996 |
"Lessons Learned While Sharing the Helm: A Supervising Professor's Perspective" in Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Speech Communication Association |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2013 |
"Geomorphic LiDAR Mapping of Latest Pleistocene Deposits and the Western Extent of the Fickle Hill Fault, Arcata, Northern California" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2014 |
"Investigating Coseismic vs. Interseismic Uplift of Marine Terraces at the Southern Terminus of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Cape Mendocino to Punta Gorda, Petrolia, CA" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2014 |
"Interseismic Lithospheric Response of the Southern End of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Following the 1992 Cape Mendocino Earthquake" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2015 |
"Vertical Crustal Stability in 23 Years Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake: Benchmark Survey Results, Interpretations and Tectonic Implications" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2015 |
"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Vermeer, Jessica |
2016 |
"Interseismic lithospheric response of the southern end of the Cascadia subduction zone since the 1992 Cape Mendocino m 7.1 earthquake" in Theses and Projects |
Vernasco, Ben J. |
2019 |
"Developing a transcriptomic framework for testing testosterone-mediated handicap hypotheses" in General and Comparative Endocrinology |
Vernasco, Ben J. |
2020 |
"Reduced cooperative behavior as a cost of high testosterone in a lekking passerine bird" in Behavioral Ecology |
Vernasco, Ben J. |
2021 |
"Longitudinal dynamics and behavioural correlates of telomeres in male wire‐tailed manakins" in Functional Ecology |