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Displaying 23576 - 23600 of 25443
Author Year Publications
Vellanoweth, René L. 2021

"Morphometric and stable isotope analysis of archaeological Totoaba macdonaldi otoliths, Baja California, México" in Quaternary International

Ver Meer, Jenna 2020

Department News” in Humboldt Geographic

Ver Meer, Jenna 2021

"Rhovanion" in Humboldt Geographic

Vergara, Sintana E. 2010

"The climate impacts of bioenergy systems depend on market and regulatory policy contexts" in Environmental Science and Technology

Vergara, Sintana E. 2011

"Boundaries matter: Greenhouse gas emission reductions from alternative waste treatment strategies for California's municipal solid waste" in Resources, Conservation and Recycling

Vergara, Sintana E. 2012

"Municipal solid waste and the environment: A global perspective" in Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Vergara, Sintana E. 2015

"Attributional and Consequential Life-cycle Assessment in Biofuels: a Review of Recent Literature in the Context of System Boundaries" in Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports

Vergara, Sintana E. 2016

"The Efficiency of Informality: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Informal Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia" in Journal of Industrial Ecology

Vergara, Sintana E. 2018

"Networking our science to characterize the state, vulnerabilities, and management opportunities of soil organic matter" in Global Change Biology

Vergara, Sintana E. 2019

"Greenhouse gas emissions from windrow composting of organic wastes: Patterns and emissions factors" in Environmental Research Letters

Vergara, Sintana E. 2019

"Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Emission Factors Derived from a Micrometeorological Mass Balance Method During Composting Food Waste at a Facility Scale" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vergara, Sintana E. 2021

"Overlooked Emissions: Methane Generation from Woody Biomass Storage" in SSRN

Vergara, Sintana E. 2022

"Overlooked emissions: influence of environmental variables on greenhouse gas generation from woody biomass storage" in Fuel

Vergara, Sintana E. 2023

"Assessing the climate change mitigation potential from food waste composting" in Scientific Reports

Vergel de Dios, Amelia R. 2023

"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

VerLinden, Jay 1996

"Lessons Learned While Sharing the Helm: A Supervising Professor's Perspective" in Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Speech
Communication Association

Vermeer, Jessica 2013

"Geomorphic LiDAR Mapping of Latest Pleistocene Deposits and the Western Extent of the Fickle Hill Fault, Arcata, Northern California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2014

"Investigating Coseismic vs. Interseismic Uplift of Marine Terraces at the Southern Terminus of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Cape Mendocino to Punta Gorda, Petrolia, CA" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2014

"Interseismic Lithospheric Response of the Southern End of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Following the 1992 Cape Mendocino Earthquake" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Vertical Crustal Stability in 23 Years Since the 1992 Cape Mendocino M 7.1 Earthquake: Benchmark Survey Results, Interpretations and Tectonic Implications" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vermeer, Jessica 2016

"Interseismic lithospheric response of the southern end of the Cascadia subduction zone since the 1992 Cape Mendocino m 7.1 earthquake" in Theses and Projects

Vernasco, Ben J. 2019

"Developing a transcriptomic framework for testing testosterone-mediated handicap hypotheses" in General and Comparative Endocrinology

Vernasco, Ben J. 2020

"Reduced cooperative behavior as a cost of high testosterone in a lekking passerine bird" in Behavioral Ecology

Vernasco, Ben J. 2021

"Longitudinal dynamics and behavioural correlates of telomeres in male wire‐tailed manakins" in Functional Ecology