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Displaying 351 - 375 of 25478
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Gearheart, Robert A. 1975

"Technique for Algae Removal from Oxidation Ponds" in Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation

Erwin, Joseph M. 1975

"Initial heterosexual behavior of adolescent rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)" in Archives of Sexual Behavior

Gearheart, Robert A. 1975

"Bacterial-Population Dynamics and Dissolved-Oxygen Minimum" in American Water Works Association

Gimbel, John 1975

"The American Reparations Stop in Germany: An Essay On the Political Uses of History" in The Historian

Mesler, Michael R. 1975

"The gametophytes of Ophioglossum Palmatum L." in American Journal of Botany

Buckley, G.T. 1975

"The rationalization for French involvement in North America : the role of seventeenth century eyewitnesses" in Theses and Projects

Balabanis, Homer P. 1975

"The Privilege of Citzenship" in Humboldt Historian

Prince, Eric D. 1975

"Pinnixid Crabs in the Diet of Young-of-the-Year Copper Rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Lackey, Robert T. 1975

"Modeling to Improve Management of Bass Fisheries" in Black Bass Biology and Management

Botzler, Richard G. 1975

"Listeria monocytogenes isolated from wapiti (Cervus canadensis roosevelti)" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Welsh, Birgitta Gvistgaard 1975

"Alcoholic Women and Wives of Alcoholics: a personality and social class analysis" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Tropp, Henry S. 1975

"Reviewed Work: The Origins of Digital Computers: Selected Papers by Brian Randell" in Isis

Cummins, Kenneth W. 1975

"Toward A Model of Detritus Processing in a Woodland Stream" in Ecology

Hodgson, Robert T. 1975

"Pyridine Immersion: A Technique For Measuring The Refractive Index Of Marine Particles" in Proceedings of the SPIE

Parker, Linda A. 1975

"Failure of Sprague-Dawley rats to transfer taste-aversions or preferences by odor-marking the spout" in Behavioral Biology

Lackey, Robert T. 1975

Teaching Water Resource Management with the Aid of a Computer-Implemented Simulator

Lackey, Robert T. 1975

"A Computer Simulation Model of a Multispecies Centrarchid Population Complex" in Virginia Journal of Science

Knutson, Jr., Arthur Charles 1975

"Biology of summer steelhead (Salmo gairdnerii gairdnerii) in Mad River, California" in Theses and Projects

Devall, Bill 1975

"Review of The Structure of Urban Reform: Community Decision Organizations in Stability and Change" in Rural Sociology

McCue, Susan 1975

"The Constitution in the Ideas of Early Suffrage Movement" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Ackerman, James D. 1975

"Reproductive Biology of goodyera oblongifolia (orchidaceae)" in Madrono

Weeden, Norman F. 1975

A Survival Handbook to Sierra Flora

Martyny, J. W. 1975

"Listeria monocytogenes isolated from wapiti (Cervus canadensis roosevelti)" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Devall, Bill 1976

"Review of Managing the Environment" in Contemporary Sociology

Carver, Raymond 1976

At Night the Salmon Move