Zeitz, David |
2021 |
"Effect of Channel Size on the Development of Resistance in a Carbon Nanotube Network" in ideaFest Poster |
Zeitz, David |
2022 |
"DOC Sampling from Little River and Mad River" in ideaFest Poster |
Zeitz, David |
2022 |
"Evaluation of the behavior of yttrium and lanthanum in surface seawater" in ideaFest Poster |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1993 |
Methods in action |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1993 |
Methods in action: Study guide and activities workbook |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1996 |
"Commingled Versus Separated Curbside Recycling: Does Sorting Matter?" in Environment and Behavior |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1998 |
"Values and Proenvironmental Behavior: A Five-Country Survey" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1998 |
"Predicting Three Dimensions of Residential Curbside Recycling: An Observational Study" in Journal of Environmental Education |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1998 |
"School recycling and students' environmental attitudes and behaviors" in Dissertations |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1999 |
"Educational Interventions That Improve Environmental Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis" in Journal of Environmental Education |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
1999 |
"Values as predictors of environmental attitudes: evidence for consistency across 14 countries" in Journal of Environmental Psychology |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2000 |
"A Multinational Perspective on the Relation between Judeo-Christian Religious Beliefs and Attitudes of Environmental Concern" in Environment and Behavior |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2000 |
"Elaborating on gender differences in environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2000 |
"Promoting environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2002 |
"New Ways of Thinking about Environmentalism: Elaborating on Gender Differences in Environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2002 |
"Mental Health Care for Latinos: Translating research into action: reducing disparities in mental health care for Mexican Americans" in Psychiatric Services |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2002 |
"Psychology of Promoting Environmentalism: Promoting Environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2003 |
"Reframing Environmental Messages to be Congruent with American Values" in Human Ecology Review |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2006 |
"A Call for Women to Lead a Different Environmental Movement" in Organization & Environment |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2006 |
"The Snowball Survey: A Social Norms Classroom Activity" in The Social Norms Review |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2006 |
Methods in action : study guide and activities workbook for Ray's Methods toward a science of behavior and experience |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2008 |
Journeys in Social Psychology: Looking Back to Inspire the Future |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2008 |
"Conclusions" in Journeys in Social Psychology |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2009 |
"Developmental Profiles of Successful High School Coaches" in International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching |
Zelezny, Lynnette |
2011 |
"Aligning the metropolitan university with business, government, and the nonprofit sectors" in Metropolitan Universities |