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Displaying 25601 - 25625 of 25794
Author Year Publications
Zeitz, David 2021

"Effect of Channel Size on the Development of Resistance in a Carbon Nanotube Network" in ideaFest Poster

Zeitz, David 2022

"DOC Sampling from Little River and Mad River" in ideaFest Poster

Zeitz, David 2022

"Evaluation of the behavior of yttrium and lanthanum in surface seawater" in ideaFest Poster

Zelezny, Lynnette 1993

Methods in action

Zelezny, Lynnette 1993

Methods in action: Study guide and activities workbook

Zelezny, Lynnette 1996

"Commingled Versus Separated Curbside Recycling: Does Sorting Matter?" in Environment and Behavior

Zelezny, Lynnette 1998

"Values and Proenvironmental Behavior: A Five-Country Survey" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Zelezny, Lynnette 1998

"Predicting Three Dimensions of Residential Curbside Recycling: An Observational Study" in Journal of Environmental Education

Zelezny, Lynnette 1998

"School recycling and students' environmental attitudes and behaviors" in Dissertations

Zelezny, Lynnette 1999

"Educational Interventions That Improve Environmental Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis" in Journal of Environmental Education

Zelezny, Lynnette 1999

"Values as predictors of environmental attitudes: evidence for consistency across 14 countries" in Journal of Environmental Psychology

Zelezny, Lynnette 2000

"A Multinational Perspective on the Relation between Judeo-Christian Religious Beliefs and Attitudes of Environmental Concern" in Environment and Behavior

Zelezny, Lynnette 2000

"Elaborating on gender differences in environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues

Zelezny, Lynnette 2000

"Promoting environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues

Zelezny, Lynnette 2002

"New Ways of Thinking about Environmentalism: Elaborating on Gender Differences in Environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues

Zelezny, Lynnette 2002

"Mental Health Care for Latinos: Translating research into action: reducing disparities in mental health care for Mexican Americans" in Psychiatric Services

Zelezny, Lynnette 2002

"Psychology of Promoting Environmentalism: Promoting Environmentalism" in Journal of Social Issues

Zelezny, Lynnette 2003

"Reframing Environmental Messages to be Congruent with American Values" in Human Ecology Review

Zelezny, Lynnette 2006

"A Call for Women to Lead a Different Environmental Movement" in Organization & Environment

Zelezny, Lynnette 2006

"The Snowball Survey: A Social Norms Classroom Activity" in The Social Norms Review

Zelezny, Lynnette 2006

Methods in action : study guide and activities workbook for Ray's Methods toward a science of behavior and experience

Zelezny, Lynnette 2008

Journeys in Social Psychology: Looking Back to Inspire the Future

Zelezny, Lynnette 2008

"Conclusions" in Journeys in Social Psychology

Zelezny, Lynnette 2009

"Developmental Profiles of Successful High School Coaches" in International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching

Zelezny, Lynnette 2011

"Aligning the metropolitan university with business, government, and the nonprofit sectors" in Metropolitan Universities