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Displaying 25076 - 25100 of 25443
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Yanosko, Barbara J. 1981

"Individualized Mathematics for Adults" in Research Reports

Yanosko, Kenneth P. 1970

"A characterization of the family of finite simple groups SP(,6)(A) even" in Theses and Projects

Yanosko, Kenneth P. 1972

"A characterization of Sp6(2)" in Illinois Journal of Mathematics

Yanosko, Kenneth P. 1991

"The determination of a class of primitive integral triangles" in Fibonacci Quarterly

Yaranon, David 2023

"Cal Poly Humboldt 3D Digital Herbarium" in ideaFest Poster

Yarasca Caso, Gregorio 2022

"A New Upbringing in a New Community" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yarberry, A. J. 2010

"Characterization of particulate matter size distributions and indoor concentrations from kerosene and diesel lamps" in Indoor Air

Yarberry, A. J. 2010

"Colorado River Water Availability Assessment Under Climate Variability" in AGU Fall Meeting

Yawn, Carolyn 2007

"Socially undesirable gender-linked personality traits and their relation to alcohol abuse in a college population" in Theses and Projects

Ybarra, Amanda Rosaria 2011

"Latino immigration, globalization and health: striving to find equality in the United States" in Theses and Projects

Ybarra, Madeleine A. 2024

"The effects of native perennial cover on physiological indicators of habitat quality for sparrows in California coastal prairie rangelands" in Theses and Projects

Yeager, Timothy 1997

"The new institutional economics and its relevance to social economics" in Forum for Social Economics

Yeager, Timothy 2018

Institutions, Transition Economies, And Economic Development

Yee, Carlton S. 1977

"Influence of soil aggregation on slope stability in the Oregon Coast Ranges" in Environmental Geology

Yellow Bird, Michael 2016

Decolonizing Social Work. Routledge.

Yelton, Mateo Ramirez 2016

"Found Poem Dos" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yelton, Mateo Ramirez 2016

"In My Dreams..." in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Yerkes, Tina 1997

"A trap for ducks using artificial nesting structures" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Yerkes, Tina 1998

"The influence of female age, body mass, and ambient conditions on redhead incubation constancy" in Condor

Yerkes, Tina 1998

"Return rates and reproductive output of captive-reared female mallards" in Journal of Wildlife Management

Yerkes, Tina 1999

"Use of artificial nesting structures by redheads" in Willdife Society Bulletin

Yerkes, Tina 1999

"Fidelity of mallards to artificial nesting structures" in Prairie Naturalist

Yerkes, Tina 1999

"Redhead reproductive strategy choices: a dynamic state variable model" in Behavioral Ecology

Yerkes, Tina 2000

"Nest-site characteristics and brood-habitat selection of redheads: An association between wetland characteristics and success" in Wetlands

Yerkes, Tina 2000

"Influence of female age and body mass on brood and duckling survival, number of surviving ducklings, and brood movements in redheads" in Condor