Windsor, Justin |
2022 |
"A multi-metric movement model for identifying elk parturition events" in Wildlife Society Bulletin |
Winfield-Perez, Ollie |
2019 |
"Gender Talks" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Winfield-Perez, Ollie |
2019 |
"(Untitled)" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Winford, Ryan Lewelling |
2012 |
"Humboldt County Collection (HCC) Map Collection Finding Aid" in Library Student Projects |
Wing, Carleen |
1984 |
"An analysis of The Humboldt Times editorial policies toward sectional politics from 1854-1861" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards |
Wingett, Monica |
2020 |
“Road Tripping the Roof of the World” in Humboldt Geographic |
Wink, Megan E. |
2018 |
"Current balance levels in deaf and hearing impaired children" in Theses and Projects |
Winkler, Alexandra |
2022 |
"Variation in Coastal Macroinvertebrate Species Diversity on Intertidal Boulders in Trinidad, California" in ideaFest Journal |
Winkler, Michael |
2005 |
"Humboldt County Energy Element Background Technical Report" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Winnacott, Blair |
2021 |
"Response of coastal ichthyoplankton assemblages off northern California to seasonal oceanographic and climate variability" in Theses and Projects |
Winnacott, Natasha Hope |
2023 |
"Inferring exposure to harmful pseudo-nitzschia blooms from ocean-to-estuary gradients in domoic acid concentrations in Humboldt Bay bivalves" in Theses and Projects |
Winston, Janet |
1996 |
"'Something Out of Harmony': 'To the Lighthouse' and the Subject(s) of Empire" in Woolf Studies Annual |
Winston, Janet |
1997 |
"Queen Victoria in the Funnyhouse: Adrienne Kennedy and the rituals of colonial possession" in Remaking Queen Victoria |
Winston, Janet |
1997 |
"Reading Influences: Homoeroticism and Mentoring in Katherine Mansfieldʹs ʺCarnationʺ and Virginia Woolfʹs ʺMoments of Being: ʹSlaterʹs Pins Have No Pointsʹʺ" in Virginia Woolf: Lesbian Readings |
Winston, Janet |
2006 |
"Difficult Silences" in Academe |
Winston, Janet |
2009 |
Woolf's To the Lighthouse |
Winston, Janet |
2012 |
"Kinetic Tropes, Comedic Turns: Dancing To the Lighthouse" in Contradictory Woolf |
Winterbottom, Caitlin |
2015 |
"New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys |
Winterbottom, Caitlin |
2016 |
"Corrigenda: New species in Cortinarius section Cortinarius (Agaricales) from the Americas and Australasia" in MycoKeys |
Winters, Cristine |
2023 |
"Post-Wildland Fire Prescribed Burning: Regeneration of Ponderosa Pine and Changes in Fuel Loads Following the Jasper Fire" in ideaFest Posters |
Winters, Jordyn |
2019 |
"Keeping it Glassy: Skeletal Analysis of Ancient Mesoamerican Obsidian Weapons" in ideaFest Poster |
Wise, Melissa |
2019 |
" Serving in the Kingdom: A Volunteer Experience in the Development of EFL Literacy in Tonga" in Theses and Projects |
Wisely, Samantha Mara |
1997 |
"Water economy in two species of plethodontid salamander" in Theses and Projects |
Wisely, Samantha Mara |
2003 |
"Behavioral and Ecological Adaptations to Water Economy in Two Plethodontid Salamanders, Ensatina eschscholtzii and Batrachoseps attenuatus" in Journal of Herpetology |
Wisely, Samantha Mara |
2005 |
"Zoogeography, Spacing Patterns, and Dispersal in Fishers" in Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments |