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Displaying 24626 - 24650 of 25443
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Williams-Claussen, Tiana 2019

"Applying circuit theory and landscape linkage maps to reintroduction planning for California Condors" in PLOS ONE

Williamshen, Jasmine S. 2020

"Responses of macroinvertebrate drift concentration to pulse flow releases downstream of Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA" in CABW/CalSFS Annual Meeting

Williamshen, Jasmine S. 2021

"Response of invertebrate drift to dam-release restoration pulse flows from Lewiston Dam on the Trinity River, CA" in Theses and Projects

Williamshen, Jasmine S. 2023

"Restoration pulse flows from a California dam temporarily increase drifting invertebrate biomass concentration" in Journal of Environmental Management

Williamson, A. 2009

"Discharge-related trends in the composition of particulate organic matter exported by small mountainous rivers: results from Oregon and California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Williamson, A. 2009

"Trends In Particulate Organic Carbon Composition In Oregon And California Coast Range Rivers" in AGU Fall Meeting

Williamson, George 2005

"Humboldt County Energy Element Background Technical Report" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Williamson, Kathleen Janice 2006

"Relationships between eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat characteristics and juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) and other invertebrates in southern Humboldt Bay, California, USA" in Theses and Projects

Willis, Margaret Anne 2021

"The influence of biological sex, athletic identity and pressure on collegiate athlete's attitudes and behaviors toward playing through pain and injury" in Theses and Projects

Willis, Robert 1979

"A planning model for the management of groundwater quality" in Water Resources Research

Willis, Robert 1984

"A Unified Approach to Regional Groundwater Management" in Groundwater Hydraulics

Willis, Robert 1984

"An Explicit Finite Difference Model for Unconfined Aquifers" in Groundwater

Willis, Robert 1984

"Optimization Model for Ground‐Water Planning" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1984

"Monte Carlo Optimization for Reservoir Operation" in Water Resources Research

Willis, Robert 1985

"Optimal Control of Nonlinear Groundwater Hydraulics: Theoretical Development and Numerical Experiments" in Water Resources Research

Willis, Robert 1987

"Water Resources Systems Planning: Some Case Studies for India" in Eos

Willis, Robert 1988

"Planning Model for Optimal Control of Saltwater Intrusion" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1989

"Water Resources Management in North China Plain" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1989

"Stochastic analysis of estuarine hydraulics. I: One dimensional steady flow" in Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics

Willis, Robert 1992

"Conjunctive-Use Planning in Mad River Basin, California" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1992

"Quasi-Three-Dimensional Optimization Model of Jakarta Basin" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 1996

"Disaggregation Modeling Process for Climatic Time Series" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Willis, Robert 2012

"A Multi-Objective, Linked-Simulation-Optimization of Henry’s Saltwater Intrusion Problem using HST3D and Box’s Method" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research

Willis, Wendy Cristina 2015

"The Political Ecology of Shade Coffee: Perspectives from Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers" in Theses and Projects

Willis, Wendy Cristina 2020

Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society