Year | Publication |
1969 | "Completions of categories, satellites, and derived functors" in Theses and Projects |
1969 | "Derived functors without injectives" in Category Theory, Homology Theory and their Applications, I |
1971 | "A relationship between left exact and representable functors" in Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
1972 | "The Completion of an Abelian Category" in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
1975 | "The multiplication problem for spheres" in Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences |
1975 | "Carl Friedrich Gauss" in Bulletin of the Malasian Mathematical Society |
1978 | "On an embedding of a category into its completion" in Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society |
1979 | "A derivation for the Weibull distribution" in Journal of Theoretical Biology |
1981 | "Distributions for Fraser's spatial indicators" in Journal of Theoretical Biology |
1996 | "Monitoring Martes Populations in California: Survey Design and Power Analysis" in Ecological Applications |
1998 | "Status of the Marbled Murrelet in the inner north coast ranges of California" in Northwestern Naturalist |
2002 | "Incorporating detection uncertainty into presence-absence surveys for marbled murrelet" in Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale |
2002 | "A collaborative approach in adaptive management at a large-landscape scale" in Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale |
2003 | "What can habitat preference models tell us? Tests using a virtual trout population" in Ecological Applications |
2003 | "Northern spotted owl habitat models for research and management application in California (USA)" in Ecological Applications |
2004 | "Ranking habitat for marbled murrelets: new conservation approach for species with uncertain detection" in Ecological Applications |
2008 | |
2008 |