Heikka-Huber, Lisa |
2023 |
"Reflective Perspective" in ideaFest Journal |
Heikka-Huber, Lisa |
2023 |
"Challenges to Reindeer, Reciprocity, and Indigenous Sami Sovereignty Amidst the Impact of Green Energy Developments" in ideaFest Journal |
Rich, Angela |
2023 |
"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate-sensitive species" in Oecologia |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Characterizing the diet of a threatened seabird, the marbled murrelet Brachyramphus Marmoratus, using high-throughput sequencing" in Marine Ornithology |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"A climate-vulnerable species uses cooler forest microclimates during heat waves" in Biological Conservation |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Estimating population size for California spotted owls and barred owls across the Sierra Nevada ecosystem with bioacoustics" in Ecological Indicators |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Forest heterogeneity outweighs movement costs by enhancing hunting success and reproductive output in California spotted owls" in Landscape Ecology |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Landscape heterogeneity provides co-benefits to predator and prey" in Ecological Applications |
Peery, M. Zachariah |
2023 |
"Quail on fire: changing fire regimes may benefit mountain quail in fire-adapted forests" in Fire Ecology |
Vernon, David R. |
2023 |
"Measured Space Heating Hot Water Distribution Losses in Large Commercial Buildings" in ASHRAE Transactions |
Vernon, David R. |
2023 |
"Performance characterization of M-cycle indirect evaporative cooler and heat recovery ventilator for commercial buildings – Experiments and model" in Energy and Buildings |
Evans, Hannah E. |
2023 |
"Haitian, Mexican, and Cuban Unrest: The Story of Three Revolutions" in Storymaps |
Evans, Hannah E. |
2023 |
"Making History Accessible in Special Collections: Indian News" in Check Out the Library |
Bowyer, R. Terry |
2023 |
"Competition with Other Ungulates" in Ecology and Management of Black-tailed and Mule Deer of North America |
Curtis, Jennifer A. |
2023 |
"Effects of structure and volcanic stratigraphy on groundwater and surface water flow: Hat Creek basin, California, USA" in Hydrogeology Journal |
Curtis, Jennifer A. |
2023 |
"A Large Sediment Accretion Wave Along a Northern California Littoral Cell" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface |
Kirk, Gabi |
2023 |
"Commodifying Indigeneity? Settler Colonialism and Racial Capitalism in Fair Trade Farming in Palestine" in Historical Materialism |
Lang, Margaret |
2023 |
"The role of peat-forming bofedales in sustaining baseflow in the humid puna" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies |
McBain, Scott M. |
2023 |
"Trout bioenergetics as a process‑based tool to estimate ecological risk in a regulated river" in JAWRA |
Conner, Cheryl |
2023 |
"New Library Website Launched this Summer" in Check Out the Library |
Jackson, Melitta |
2023 |
"Get to Know Resource Sharing" in Check Out the Library |
Green, Abigail |
2023 |
"Book Recommendations Wanted!" in Check Out the Library |
Fritsch, Tristan |
2023 |
"Students are Talking: Special Collections Videos" in Check Out the Library |
Mitchell, Nico |
2023 |
"Voices from Behind the Desk" in Check Out the Library |