Botzler, Richard G. |
1975 |
"Rate of Listeria monocytogenes shedding from frogs" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Devall, Bill |
1975 |
"Review of The Structure of Urban Reform: Community Decision Organizations in Stability and Change" in Rural Sociology |
Hanson, Mervin P. |
1975 |
"Erratum: ’'Quantization'’ in macroscopic chemical systems" in Journal of Chemical Physics |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
1975 |
"Toward A Model of Detritus Processing in a Woodland Stream" in Ecology |
Carroll, Joseph E. |
1975 |
"On determining the quadratic subfields of Z2-extensions of complex quadratic fields" in Compositio Mathematica |
Tropp, Henry S. |
1975 |
"The role of oral communication" in Historia Mathematica |
Lackey, Robert T. |
1975 |
"Decision-making in Recreational Fisheries Management: An Analysis" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Balabanis, Homer P. |
1975 |
The Little Crooked Christmas Tree |
Martyny, J. W. |
1975 |
"Listeria monocytogenes isolated from wapiti (Cervus canadensis roosevelti)" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Ackerman, James D. |
1975 |
"Reproductive Biology of goodyera oblongifolia (orchidaceae)" in Madrono |
Hendrickson, Gary L. |
1975 |
"Monordotaenia honessi sp. n. (Cyclophyllidea: Taeniidae), from a dog in Wyoming: a second taeniid from North America with a single circle of hooks" in Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington |
Mesler, Michael R. |
1975 |
"The gametophytes of Ophioglossum Palmatum L." in American Journal of Botany |
Cimberg, Robert |
1975 |
"Zonation, species diversity, and redevelopment in the rocky intertidal near Trinidad, northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Botzler, Richard G. |
1975 |
"Listeria monocytogenes isolated from wapiti (Cervus canadensis roosevelti)" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Lackey, Robert T. |
1975 |
"Managing Trends in Angler Consumption Freshwater Recreational Fisheries" in Proceedings of the Southeastern Association Game and Fish Commissioners |
Cross, P. D. |
1975 |
"Early life history of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in a small coastal stream" in Theses and Projects |
Gearheart, Robert A. |
1975 |
"Bacterial-Population Dynamics and Dissolved-Oxygen Minimum" in American Water Works Association |
Welsh, Birgitta Gvistgaard |
1975 |
"Alcoholic Women and Wives of Alcoholics: a personality and social class analysis" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Parker, Linda A. |
1975 |
"Failure of Sprague-Dawley rats to transfer taste-aversions or preferences by odor-marking the spout" in Behavioral Biology |
Carroll, Joseph E. |
1975 |
Engineering Improvements: Automated Astronomic Positioning System |
Kilgore, James |
1975 |
"The essential amino acid requirements of the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens" in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology |
Buckley, G.T. |
1975 |
"The rationalization for French involvement in North America : the role of seventeenth century eyewitnesses" in Theses and Projects |
Collopy, Michael W. |
1975 |
"Behavioral and predatory dynamics of American kestrels wintering in the Arcata bottoms" in Theses and Projects |
Carver, Raymond |
1976 |
At Night the Salmon Move |
Devall, Bill |
1976 |
"Review of Managing the Environment" in Contemporary Sociology |