Carroll, Joseph E. |
1975 |
Engineering Improvements: Automated Astronomic Positioning System |
Barnhart, Roger A. |
1975 |
"Pacific slope steelhead trout management" in Wild Trout Management, Symposium Proceedings |
Dengler, Lori A. |
1975 |
"Effect of stress on the microstructure of a graywacke sandstone from the site of the Rio Blanco gas-stimulation experiment" in Technical Reports |
Prince, Eric D. |
1975 |
"Pinnixid Crabs in the Diet of Young-of-the-Year Copper Rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Tropp, Henry S. |
1975 |
"Reviewed Work: The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann by Herman H. Goldstine" in Technology and Culture |
Hendrickson, Gary L. |
1975 |
"Monordotaenia honessi sp. n. (Cyclophyllidea: Taeniidae), from a dog in Wyoming: a second taeniid from North America with a single circle of hooks" in Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington |
Johnson, Ronald W. |
1975 |
"Dante Rossetti's Beata Beatrix and the New Life" in The Art Bulletin |
Tropp, Henry S. |
1975 |
"The role of oral communication" in Historia Mathematica |
Gutierrez, R. J. |
1975 |
"Reproductive Biology of the Band-Tailed Pigeon in Colorado and New Mexico" in The Auk |
Coyne, Peter |
1975 |
"Women, when you kill a man" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Almer, Torun |
1975 |
"A university student survey of sexual information, attitudes and concerns" in Theses and Projects |
Tropp, Henry S. |
1975 |
"Reviewed Work: The Origins of Digital Computers: Selected Papers by Brian Randell" in Isis |
Botzler, Richard G. |
1975 |
"Rate of Listeria monocytogenes shedding from frogs" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Cimberg, Robert |
1975 |
"Zonation, species diversity, and redevelopment in the rocky intertidal near Trinidad, northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Hodgson, Robert T. |
1975 |
"Pyridine Immersion: A Technique For Measuring The Refractive Index Of Marine Particles" in Proceedings of the SPIE |
Gimbel, John |
1975 |
"The American Reparations Stop in Germany: An Essay On the Political Uses of History" in The Historian |
Cross, P. D. |
1975 |
"Early life history of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in a small coastal stream" in Theses and Projects |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
1975 |
"Toward A Model of Detritus Processing in a Woodland Stream" in Ecology |
Buckley, G.T. |
1975 |
"The rationalization for French involvement in North America : the role of seventeenth century eyewitnesses" in Theses and Projects |
Bicknell, Susan H. |
1975 |
"Influence of soil salt, at levels characteristic of some roadside environments, on the germination of certain tree seeds" in Plant and Soil |
Lasser, Gerald W. |
1975 |
"The essential amino acid requirements of the Dungeness crab, (Cancer magister)" in Theses and Dissertations |
Collopy, Michael W. |
1975 |
"Behavioral and predatory dynamics of American kestrels wintering in the Arcata bottoms" in Theses and Projects |
Kelleyhouse, David G. |
1975 |
"Habitat utilization and ecology of the black bear in northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Balabanis, Homer P. |
1975 |
The Little Crooked Christmas Tree |
Stauffer, Howard B. |
1975 |
"Carl Friedrich Gauss" in Bulletin of the Malasian Mathematical Society |