Tropp, Henry S. |
1974 |
"Computer report VII: The effervescent years: A retrospective: Behind the computer revolution lay the vision and perseverance of a handful of pioneers committed to open information exchange" in IEEE Spectrum |
Garlick, G. Don |
1974 |
"The Stable Isotopes of Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen in the Marine Environment" in The Sea |
Zammit, Ronald E. |
1974 |
"LDV processor for high velocity flows" in Proceedings Second Int. Workshop on Laser Velocimetry |
Allen, William V. |
1974 |
"Interorgan transport of lipids in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Comparative Physiology |
Kitchen, David W. |
1974 |
"Courtship in the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management |
Kitchen, David W. |
1974 |
"Agnostic behavior of territorial pronghorn bucks" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management |
Erwin, Joseph M. |
1974 |
"Sexually aroused self-aggression in a socialized, adult male monkey" in Archives of Sexual Behavior |
Cummins, Kenneth W. |
1974 |
"Leaf processing in a woodland stream" in Freshwater Biology |
Devall, Bill |
1974 |
"Redwood National Park: the clearcutting of a dream" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Handwerker, W. Penn |
1974 |
"Changing Household Organization in the Origins of Market Places in Liberia" in Economic Development and Cultural Change |
Samuelson, Lalramchuani Sena |
1974 |
"The Mizo independence movement" in Theses and Projects |
Barratt, Raymond W. |
1974 |
"Neurospora crassa" in Bacteria, Bacteriophages, and Fungi |
Thornburgh, Dale A. |
1974 |
Subalpine and Montane Forests on Granodiorite in the Central Klamath Mountains in California (Unpublished Report) |
Paselk, Richard A. |
1974 |
"Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance studies of trifluoroacetyl-insulin derivatives. Effect of pH on conformation and aggregation" in Biochemistry |
Carver, Raymond |
1974 |
Put Yourself in My Shoes |
Tropp, Henry S. |
1974 |
"Review of A Computer Perspective by the office of Charles and Ray Eames" in Historia Mathematica |
Sopher, T. R. |
1974 |
"A trawl survey of the fishes of Arcata Bay, California" in Theses and Projects |
Botzler, Richard G. |
1974 |
"Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in soil and water" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Ashley, P. |
1974 |
"The summer feeding ecology of the Humboldt Sucker, Catostomus Humboldtianus and juvenile steelhead Salmo gairdneri in the upper Eel river system" in Theses and Projects |
McClary, Maclyn H. |
1974 |
"On moving to large from small class in 'J-Introduction'" in Journalism Educator |
Kitchen, David W. |
1974 |
"Social Behavior and Ecology of the Pronghorn" in Wildlife Monographs |
Lawlor, Timothy E. |
1974 |
"Chromosomal Evolution in Peromyscus" in Evolution |
Mesler, Michael R. |
1974 |
"The Natural History of Ophioglossum palmatum in South Florida" in American Fern Journal |
Garlick, G. Don |
1974 |
"Oxygen isotope fractionation between rutile and water" in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology |
Hendrickson, Gary L. |
1974 |
"Cercaria laramiensis sp. n., a Freshwater Zygocercous Cercaria from Physa gyrina Say, with a Discussion of Cercarial Aggregation" in The Journal of Parasitology |