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Displaying 251 - 275 of 25362
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Tropp, Henry S. 1974

"Computer report VII: The effervescent years: A retrospective: Behind the computer revolution lay the vision and perseverance of a handful of pioneers committed to open information exchange" in IEEE Spectrum

Garlick, G. Don 1974

"The Stable Isotopes of Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen in the Marine Environment" in The Sea

Zammit, Ronald E. 1974

"LDV processor for high velocity flows" in Proceedings Second Int. Workshop on Laser Velocimetry

Allen, William V. 1974

"Interorgan transport of lipids in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A: Comparative Physiology

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Courtship in the pronghorn (Antilocapra americana)" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Agnostic behavior of territorial pronghorn bucks" in The Behavior of Ungulates and its relation to management

Erwin, Joseph M. 1974

"Sexually aroused self-aggression in a socialized, adult male monkey" in Archives of Sexual Behavior

Cummins, Kenneth W. 1974

"Leaf processing in a woodland stream" in Freshwater Biology

Devall, Bill 1974

"Redwood National Park: the clearcutting of a dream" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Handwerker, W. Penn 1974

"Changing Household Organization in the Origins of Market Places in Liberia" in Economic Development and Cultural Change

Samuelson, Lalramchuani Sena 1974

"The Mizo independence movement" in Theses and Projects

Barratt, Raymond W. 1974

"Neurospora crassa" in Bacteria, Bacteriophages, and Fungi

Thornburgh, Dale A. 1974

Subalpine and Montane Forests on Granodiorite in the Central Klamath Mountains in California (Unpublished Report)

Paselk, Richard A. 1974

"Fluorine nuclear magnetic resonance studies of trifluoroacetyl-insulin derivatives. Effect of pH on conformation and aggregation" in Biochemistry

Carver, Raymond 1974

Put Yourself in My Shoes

Tropp, Henry S. 1974

"Review of A Computer Perspective by the office of Charles and Ray Eames" in Historia Mathematica

Sopher, T. R. 1974

"A trawl survey of the fishes of Arcata Bay, California" in Theses and Projects

Botzler, Richard G. 1974

"Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in soil and water" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Ashley, P. 1974

"The summer feeding ecology of the Humboldt Sucker, Catostomus Humboldtianus and juvenile steelhead Salmo gairdneri in the upper Eel river system" in Theses and Projects

McClary, Maclyn H. 1974

"On moving to large from small class in 'J-Introduction'" in Journalism Educator

Kitchen, David W. 1974

"Social Behavior and Ecology of the Pronghorn" in Wildlife Monographs

Lawlor, Timothy E. 1974

"Chromosomal Evolution in Peromyscus" in Evolution

Mesler, Michael R. 1974

"The Natural History of Ophioglossum palmatum in South Florida" in American Fern Journal

Garlick, G. Don 1974

"Oxygen isotope fractionation between rutile and water" in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Hendrickson, Gary L. 1974

"Cercaria laramiensis sp. n., a Freshwater Zygocercous Cercaria from Physa gyrina Say, with a Discussion of Cercarial Aggregation" in The Journal of Parasitology