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Displaying 25301 - 25325 of 25438
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Smith, Joshua R. 2016

Replication of a Published Materials Science Synthesis: An Impromptu Upper-Division Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment” in The Chemical Educator

Zoellner, Robert W. 2012

Sultam thioureas: Synthesis and antiviral activity against West Nile virus” in SYNLETT

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2020

Humanizing Online Teaching To Equitize Higher Education” in Current Issues in Education

Evans, Tyler J. 2005

Deriving divisibility theorems with Burnside's theorem" in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory

Holt, Benjamin 2005

Deriving divisibility theorems with Burnside's theorem" in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory

Adsit, Janelle 2015

Affective Advocacy: Answering Institutional Productions of Precarity in the Corporate University” in Special Issue: Institutional Feelings: Practicing Women's Studies in the Corporate University

Gledhill, Michelle 2011

Modeling effects of toxin exposure in fish on long-term population size, with an application to selenium toxicity in bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)” in Theses and Dissertations

Smith, James P. 2018

Biographical Sketch: Carl Linnaeus: A timeline” in Botanical Studies OER

Acquaro, Pamela 2020

I Want to Speak to the Manager! An Exploration of Customer-Cashier Interactions” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

VO2 Maximum Protocol for Arm and Leg Fan Bike” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

Effects of a Dual-Task Paradigm on Tandem Gait Performance After Concussion” in ideaFest Poster

Achay, Meagan M. 2020

United Indian Health Services Community Gardens” in ideaFest Poster

De La Cruz, Jordan 2020

United Indian Health Services Community Gardens in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

Modified Anaerobic Treadmill Test for Collegiate and Recreational Athletes” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

The Effectiveness of A Matter of Balance, a Fall Prevention Program on Fall Risk in Rural Community Dwelling Veterans and Non-Veterans” in ideaFest Poster

Baca, Danielle 2020

CaN YOu SeE ThIs NOIse?” in Redwood Roots

Sokhom, Rattnak 2018

不要後悔" in Toyon

Abbassi, Mina 2019

Ruined Columns” in The World "The way we saw it"

Johnson, Matthew D. 2021

Multi-year nest box occupancy and short-term resilience to wildfire disturbance by barn owls in a vineyard agroecosystem" in Ecosphere

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2011

Modeling effects of toxin exposure in fish on long-term population size, with an application to selenium toxicity in bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)” in Ecological Modelling 

Aberson, Christopher L. 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Freedman, Walden 2012

Abelʼs summation formula in partially ordered groups" in Topology and its Applications

Hu, Senqi 1999

Facial EMG as an indicator of palatability in humans” in Physiology & Behavior

Player, Kathryn A. 1999

Facial EMG as an indicator of palatability in humans” in Physiology & Behavior

McChesney, Kathleen A. 1999

Facial EMG as an indicator of palatability in humans” in Physiology & Behavior