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Displaying 526 - 542 of 542
Author Year Publications
Wolfe, Jared D. 2024

"Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research" in Current Biology

Wolfe, Jared D. 2024

"Habitat use of Amazonian birds varies by age and foraging guild along a disturbance gradient" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Wolfe, Jared D. 2024
Wood, William F. 2024

"The cooked shellfish-odour of the mushroom Russula xerampelina" in Biosytematics and Ecology

Woodbridge, Brian 2024

"Predicting the spatial distribution of wintering golden eagles to inform full annual cycle conservation in western North America" in Plos One

Worley, Nathaniel 2024

"The Truth of Industrial Agriculture" in The Chanterelle

Wylie, Beth A. 2024

"Educator well-being in a system that is unwell" in Theses and Projects

Yang, Yang 2024

"Fashioning Islamic Asia: Urban Hui Muslims and Cosmopolitan Bridal Looks in Xi’an, China" in International Journal of Islam in Asia

Yang, Yang 2024

"Review of The Silk Road: Connecting Histories and Futures" in The AAG Review of Books

Ybarra, Madeleine A. 2024

"The effects of native perennial cover on physiological indicators of habitat quality for sparrows in California coastal prairie rangelands" in Theses and Projects

You, Hyun-Kyung 2024

"Revisiting Transnational Activities: Korean Immigrant Mothers’ Home Visit for Families" in Sage Open

Zald, Harold S.J. 2024

"Thinning and prescribed burning increase shade-tolerant conifer regeneration in a fire excluded mixed-conifer forest" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zamora, Jacob 2024

"Mixed Salad" in The Chanterelle

Zoellick, James 2024

"Northern California and Southern Oregon Offshore Wind Transmission Study, Volume 1 (Revised)" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Zuber, David P. 2024

A History of Orick and Stone Lagoon: Southern Gateway to Redwood National Park

Zuelow, Angelina 2024

"Freezing and Mechanical Failure of a Habitat-Forming Kelp in the Rocky Intertidal Zone" in Intergrative and Comparative Biology

Zuelow, Angelina 2024

"Seasonal variability in energetic value of Crangon alaskensis and effects of marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific Ocean" in Marine Environmental Research