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Displaying 476 - 500 of 542
Author Year Publications
Team, Taylor C. 2024

"Neogene faulting, basin development, and relief generation in the southern Klamath Mountains (USA)" in Geosphere

Thrailkill, James 2024

"Diets of Breeding and Nonbreeding California Spotted Owls" in Journal of Raptor Research

Till, Claire P. 2024

"Variability in the phytoplankton response to upwelling across an iron limitation mosaic within the California current system" in Limnology and Oceanography

Tissot, Brian N. 2024

"Monitoring and Evaluation of Kelp Forest Ecosystems in the MLPA Marine Protected Area Network" in California Ocean Protection Council Data Repository

Tominello-Ramirez, Christopher 2024

"High-Resolution Disease Phenotyping Reveals Distinct Resistance Mechanisms of Tomato Crop Wild Relatives against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum" in Plant Phenomics

Tominello-Ramirez, Christopher 2024

"Alternaria diseases on potato and tomato" in Molecular Plant Pathology

Tominello-Ramirez, Christopher 2024

"Network analyses predict major regulators of resistance to early blight disease complex in tomato" in BMC Plant Biology

Tool, Joahnna 2024

"Semillas de Esperanza" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Trinity, Kira 2024

"Neurocinematics and empathy: How cognitive neuroscience enhances our understanding of emotional responses of film" in Theses and Projects

Tyburczy, Joe 2024

"Collaborative fisheries research reveals reserve size and age determine efficacy across a network of marine protected areas" in Conservation Letters

Uehling, Jessie K. 2024

"Prevalence and diversity of TAL effector-like proteins in fungal endosymbiotic Mycetohabitans spp." in Microbial Genomics

Urias, Anna Zelina 2024

"Restoring oak woodlands through trust: Social capital and its role in successful private land conservation" in California Agriculture

Urroz, Jason 2024

"Evaluation of a Nature Prescription Program on Parental Perceptions for Children’s Outdoor Activities" in Ecopsychology

Vargas, Jake R. 2024

"Microbes: Key constituent of predator risk cues?" in Theses and Projects

Vargas, Maranda 2024

"Turning the Tide: Protecting Humboldt Bay" in Osprey

Varner, J. Morgan 2024

"Pile burning after conifer removal from aspen stands affects tree mortality, regeneration, and understory recovery" in Forest Ecology and Management

Varner, J. Morgan 2024

"Bark and crown morphology drive differences in rainwater distribution in an upland oak forest" in Forest Ecology and Management

Vegso, Zachary T. 2024

"The nature and extent of algal symbiosis in three North American Ranids" in Theses and Projects

Velazquez, Nicole 2024

"Hay Comida en la Casa" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Vernasco, Ben J. 2024

"Food and social cues modulate reproductive development but not migratory behavior in a nomadic songbird, the Pine Siskin" in Ornithology

Vernasco, Ben J. 2024

"Response to Food Restriction, but Not Social Information Use, Varies Seasonally in Captive Cardueline Finches" in Intergrative and Comparative Biology

Vernasco, Ben J. 2024

"Are urbanization and brood parasitism associated with differences in telomere lengths in song sparrows?" in Journal of Avian Biology

Vernasco, Ben J. 2024

"Genetic and telomeric variability: Insights from a tropical avian hybrid zone" in Molecular Ecology

Vernon, David R. 2024

"Heating Hot Water Distribution Heat Losses: Detailed Measurement" in ASHRAE Transactions

Vernon, David R. 2024

Load Flexibility of a Residential Multi-Function Heat Pump Using Dynamic Pricing