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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1442
Author Yearsort ascending Publications
Vega, Diego 2023

"¡Viva México!" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Dzotsenidze, Nino 2023

"Anti-Asian Racism during COVID-19: Emotional Challenges, Coping, and Implications for Asian American History Teaching" in Education Sciences

Zamboni, Rob J. 2023

"Creating an internal work-based learning program for students who are not college-bound" in Theses and Projects

Sterner, Sara K. 2023

"Books as Lighthouses: Using Children's Literature to Illuminate and Provide Hope in the Darkness of Sexual Abuse" in Journal of Children's Literature

Francia, Rose Sita 2023

"Summative Evaluation for Cal Poly Humboldt's 2022 Summer Algebra Institute" in ideaFest Posters

Montiel, Madison S. 2023

"Sampling Lepidopter Moth Diversity across Different Treatment Plots at the Ocean Ranch Unit in the Eel River Wildlife Area, Humboldt County, California" in Theses and Projects

Toyofuku, Alexandra 2023

"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Chalker, Brooke A. 2023

"The sinoatrial node extracellular matrix promotes pacemaker phenotype and protects automaticity in engineered heart tissues from cyclic strain" in Cell Reports

Fox, Stephen Carey 2023

The German, 'Mr. Kai,' and The Devil: Pearl Harbor: The Shocking Story of a Missed Opportunity

Ellison, Bryan 2023

"WTF is CCAT? All about the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology" in Osprey

Ergas, Sarina J. 2023

"Recovery of Energy and Carbon Dioxide from Craft Brewery Wastes for Onsite Use" in Fermentation 

Hangauer, Kelly R. 2023

"Uncharted waters: A history of the bibliographic instruction movement and its administrative context" in Libraries without Borders: New Directions in Library History

Hickenbottom, Kerri L. 2023

"Fouling characterization and treatment of water reuse concentrate with membrane distillation: Do organics really matter" in Desalination

Eakin, Michael 2023

"Informing Extinction Risk: Summarizing Population Viability through a Meta-analysis of Multiple Long-term Monitoring Programs for a Declining Estuarine Fish Species" in Biological Conservation

González-Herrera, Irene 2023

"Summative Evaluation for Cal Poly Humboldt's 2022 Summer Algebra Institute" in ideaFest Posters

Sinnott, Aaron M. 2023

"Less daytime sleepiness and slow wave activity during sleep predict better physical readiness in military personnel" in Sleep Health

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2023

"Species distribution modeling of deep-diving cetaceans" in Marine Mammal Science

Culler, Brooke 2023

"Plant-Dwelling Spiders Care Where They Live: Higher Diversity and Greater Abundance On Native Plant Species, Specific Plant Types, and in Areas With Vegetation Richness" in ideaFest Posters

Achilli, Andrea 2023

"Surrogate modeling of pressure loss & mass transfer in membrane channels via coupling of computational fluid dynamics and machine learning" in Desalination

Nayeri, Danial 2023

"Comparing Mexican spotted owl habitat suitability in two different habitat types using a multi-scale ensemble learning framework" in Theses and Projects

Santos, Emily A. 2023

"Interactive effect of branch source-sink ratio and leaf aging on photosynthesis in pistachio" in Frontiers in Plant Science

Guevara, Alannah 2023

"Your Smile is Not an Invitation / Tu sonrisa no es una invitacion" in Toyon

Peery, M. Zachariah 2023

"Forest heterogeneity outweighs movement costs by enhancing hunting success and reproductive output in California spotted owls" in Landscape Ecology

DeRyan, Glenage 2023

"A Mediation on Prophylactics, Above Ground Pools, and the Antique World" in Toyon

Kontos, Anthony P. 2023

"Sex Differences on the Concussion Clinical Profiles Screening in Adolescents With Sport-Related Concussion" in Journal of Athletic Training