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Author | Year |
Publications![]() |
Caso, Tara S. | 2023 |
"The DFT computational investigation of the β-sila-α-amino acids and their β-permethylsila-analogs: Silicon-containing amino acids as a viable foundation for silicon-based life” in Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research |
Gaffney, Amber M. | 2023 |
"The birthing, nurturing, and evolution of dystopian groups" in The Psychology of Tribalism |
Sauer, Michael J. | 2023 |
"Testing the Waters! Continuing Saga of Algal Community Variability in SW Florida" in Florida SouthWestern State College Academic Research Council Conference |
Sterner, Sara K. | 2023 |
"Teaching guide: Children’s literature resource file for teaching Children’s Literature to undergraduates" in Teaching Equity through Children's Literature |
Bowers, Pamela Hancock | 2023 |
"Standing in responsibility: Lessons learned in developing a gamified simulation on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)" in Proceedings of IConSES 2023-- International Conference on Social and Education Sciences |
Szyndler, Michael | 2023 |
"Soulmates within Primates" in ideaFest Posters |
Souza, Tasha J. | 2023 |
"Service-Learning and Interpersonal Communication: Connecting Students With the Community" in Routledge eBooks |
Mutch, Erin | 2023 |
"Removing Barriers to Access GIS Technologies in Higher Education" in California GIS Conference |
Gabrielson, Stephen Walter | 2023 |
"Publishing Methods Protocols: An Opportunity to Participate in Open Science" in Association of College & Research Libraries |
Martien, Jerry | 2023 |
"Preface" in A watershed runs through you : essays, talks, and reflections on salmon, restoration, and community |
Eschker, Erick | 2023 |
"Perspectives from Cannabis Industry Insiders" in National Social Science Journal |
Zender, Joshua R. | 2023 |
"Perspectives from California cannabis industry insiders" in The National Social Science Journal |
Gold, Gregg J. | 2023 |
"Perspectives from California cannabis industry insiders" in The National Social Science Journal |
Frankovsky, Ava | 2023 |
"Perspectives from California cannabis industry insiders" in The National Social Science Journal |
Pavan , Silvia E. | 2023 |
"Patterns of phenotypic evolution and diversification in the short-tailed opossum genus Monodelphis" in New World Marsupials |
Malloy, Kerri J. | 2023 |
"Nommer pour effacer, renommer pour restaurer (Ré)indigénéiser le paysage" in Dé-commémoration |
Hahn, Amanda C. | 2023 |
"Neural Correlates of Jealousy" in Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science |
Malloy, Kerri J. | 2023 |
"Native American and Indigenous Student Experiences at San José State University" in Report to SJSU |
Ramos, Seafha C. | 2023 |
"Meyweehl see 'oohl megetohlkwopew (Elk and the Yurok people take care of each other)" in Wildlife Stewardship on Tribal Lands: Our Place is in Our Soul |
Adsit, Janelle | 2023 |
"Literary Journals, Editorial Courses, and Equity in the Publishing Industry" in Creative Writing Scholars on the Publishing Trade |
Ramos, Seafha C. | 2023 |
"Integrating the Seemingly Disparate in Molecular Ecology: Indigenous Research Methodologies, Traditional Ecological Knowledge and molecular scatology in a wildlife survey on Yurok Tribe Ancestral Lands" in Molecular Ecology Resources |
Adams, David | 2023 |
"Implementing Action Research in Physical Education: A Guide for Physical Educators" in Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance |
Reiss, John O. | 2023 |
"Hume, Darwin, and the ‘Epicurean Hypothesis'" in Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion: A Philosophical Appraisal |
Miller, Elisa | 2023 |
"Humboldt County Postpartum Needs Assessment: Life after Birth" in ideaFest Poster |
Miglio, Maia | 2023 |
"Humboldt County Homeless College Student - Photovoice Project" in ideaFest Poster |