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Displaying 176 - 200 of 1662
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Bourdeau, Paul E. 2021

"Weak directional selection on inducible defensive shell traits in a marine gastropod by the inducing shell-breaking predator" in Marine Biology

Bowers, Pamela Hancock 2021

"Building a Better Field Seminar" in Field Educator

Bowers, Pamela Hancock 2021

"Review of How places make us: Novel LBQ identities in four small cities" in Affilia

Boyce, Scott E. 2021

"MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software with Surface Water Operations" in USGS Software Release

Boyce, Scott E. 2021

"Batteries Included Fortran Library (BiF-lib)" in USGS Software Release

Boyd, Christian 2021

"Community Leadership in Action" in Redwood Roots

Boyd, Christian 2021

"Equity Arcata Intern" in Redwood Roots Videos

Brady, Katelyn 2021

"Sea Level Rise Planning for the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in ideaFest Poster

Braje, Todd J. 2021

"No evidence for widespread island extinctions after Pleistocene hominin arrival" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Braje, Todd J. 2021

"Bills of Fare, Consumer Demand, Social Status, Ethnicity, and the Collapse of California Abalone" in Journal of Ethnobiology

Braje, Todd J. 2022

"Boats, Seafaring, and the Colonization of the Americas and California Channel Islands: A Response to Cassidy (2021)" in California Archaeology

Braje, Todd J. 2022

"Cultural Keystone Places and the Chumash Landscapes of Kumqaq’, Point Conception, California" in American Antiquity

Brandt, Stefani Marie 2022

"Latitude, Elevation, and Mean Annual Temperature Predict Peat Organic Matter Chemistry at a Global Scale" in Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Branson, Anna 2021

"RS 301 Oral History: Interview With Anonymous Pastor" in Humboldt in the Time of COVID - Digital Archive

Brant, Joshua 2021

"Post-restoration assessment of invasive & native vegetation species at Martin Slough Salt Marsh Restoration Project Site (Humboldt County, California)" in ideaFest Presentation

Brennan, Leonard A. 2021

"Variation in herpetofauna detection probabilities: implications for study design" in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Brewen, Cerena 2021

"76-year decline and recovery of aspen mediated by contrasting fire regimes: Long-unburned, infrequent and frequent mixed-severity wildfire" in PLOS ONE

Bright, Makani 2021

"Girlfriends Medley - Becker" in ideaFest Presentation

Brightman, Maya 2021

"Being Mixed" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Brinitzer, Ann 1980

"Amanita Gemmata, A Non-Host-Specific Mycorrhizal Fungus of Arctostaphylos Manzanita" in Mycologia

Brintrup, Lilianet 2021

Quiebres en California

Brintrup, Lilianet 2021

Migraciones de la sangre: Textos de escritoras latinoamericanas

Bronson, Allison W. 2021

"Taxon sampling and alternative hypotheses of relationships in the euphyllophyte plexus that gave rise to seed plants: insights from an Early Devonian radiatopsid" in New Phytologist

Bronson, Allison W. 2021

"Forward to the Past: A Romp through the Nature of the Last Half-Billion Years" in Ameghiniana

Bronson, Allison W. 2021

"A new phylogeny of the cladoxylopsid plexus: contribution of an early cladoxylopsid from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of Quebec" in American Journal of Botany