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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1665
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2022

"Built-up area expansion in the Wa Municipality of Ghana: implications for vegetation cover loss and fragmentation" in African Geographical Review

Arbogast, Brian S. 2021

"Amphibians and reptiles of wildsumaco wildlife sanctuary, Napo province, Ecuador" in Check List

Archibald, Josephine A. 2021

"Equity of Voice in the Classroom" in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)

Archibald, Josephine A. 2022

"A machine learning approach to identify barriers in stream networks demonstrates high prevalence of unmapped riverine dams" in Journal of Environmental Management

Armendariz, Jessie 2021

"Cycling with Short Crank Lengths Improved Economy in Novices" in International Journal of Exercise Science

Armstrong, Amon Jotesh 2021

"Use of redwood basal hollows by bats: a focus on the Townsend's big-eared bat on the North Coast of California" in Theses and Projects

Arregi, Joseba I. 2021

"Plastic Shamans, Intellectual Colonialism and Intellectual Apprpriation in New Age Movements"in The international Journal of Ecopsycology

Ashley, Laura Ella 2021

"May all teachers be happy: a mindfulness manual for school staff" in Theses and Projects

Ashmead, Cherilyn P. 2021

"In-flux: economic and community adaptations of former timber mill-towns in the American West" in Theses and Projects

Ashworth, Logan F. 2021

"Caution fatigue: group identification and disgust provide protection in the COVID-19 pandemic" in Theses and Projects

Atienza, Paul Michael Leonardo 2021

'I Think I’ll Be More Slutty': The Promise of Queer Pilipinx American Desire on Mobile Digital Apps in Los Angeles and Manila” in Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America

Attard, Barbara 2021

The Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual

Author, Anonymous 2021

"That Crazy Chick With The Black Hair" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Auza, Anayeli 2021

"Living Sin Estatus Legal" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Avila-Estrada, Cassandra 2021

"Alumni in Focus: Kieron Slaughter" in Humboldt Geographic

Bacon, Steven N. 2022

"Tectonic, hydrogeologic, and climatic controls on Late Holocene dune formation, China Lake basin, Indian Wells Valley, California, USA" in Quaternary Research

Baldivia, Stefani 2021

"Collecting First-Generation Voices in Academic Libraries and Archives" in College & Research Libraries

Baldivia, Stefani 2021

"Deconstructed Finding Aid Puzzle" in The Teaching with Primary Sources Cookbook

Balkow, Tessa M. 2021

"Activity of Novel Cellulases from Cow Rumen" in ideaFest Poster

Balkow, Tessa M. 2021

"Novel Cellulases: pH and Activity" in ideaFest Poster

Ballinger, Brad J. 2021

"Folding points to a point and lines to a line" in Proceedings of the 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry

Banks, Douglas D. 2021

"Suppression of Electrostatic Mediated Antibody Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation by Charged and Noncharged Preferentially Excluded Excipients" in Molecular Pharmaceutics

Banks, Sulaina 2021

HSU Staff Cookbook 2020 - 2021

Barajas-Ramirez, Raul 2021

"Litter trait driven dampening of flammability following deciduous forest community shifts in eastern North America" in Journal of Forest Ecology and Management

Barger, Jess 2021

"Merging art and science: Lessons learned from an 'otterly' different case study" in Theses and Projects