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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1659
Author Year Publications
Abaya, Jason 2021

"Exercise intervention for Academic Improvement" in ideaFest Poster

Aberson, Christopher L. 2021

"Predicting Support for Affirmative Action in Educational Admissions" in Social Justice Research

Aberson, Christopher L. 2021

"Building Interactive Tutorials for Teaching Psychological Statistics Online with learnr" in Technology Innovationsin Statistics Education

Aberson, Christopher L. 2021

"Contact-implicit preference relationships: Two large sample tests" in The Journal of Psychology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2021

"Contact, threat, and prejudice: A test of intergroup threat theory across three samples and multiple measures of prejudice" in Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology

Aberson, Christopher L. 2022

"Contact, Threat, and Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage and Its Beneficiaries" in LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Abidari, Jonathan 2021

"Possibilities and Pathways: Connecting Multimodality and Educational Equity in the FYC Program" in Multimodal Composition Faculty Development Programs and Institutional Change

Abidari, Jonathan 2021

"Multimodality in focus" in Theses and Projects

Accomando, Christina H. 2021

"Bao Phi" in Asian American Literature

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Membrane Distillation Provides a Dual Barrier for Coronavirus and Bacteriophage Removal" in Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Modeling the energy consumption of potable water reuse schemes" in Water Research X

Achilli, Andrea 2021

"Evidence of solution-diffusion-with-defects in an engineering-scale pressure retarded osmosis system" in Journal of Membrane Science

Achilli, Andrea 2022

"Extending the life of water reuse reverse osmosis membranes using chlorination" in Journal of Membrane Science

Ackerman, James D. 2021

"Natural history of the often-misunderstood Govenia utriculata (Orchidaceae): discovery of a Mexican population upsets West Indies endemism" in Phytotaxa

Ackerman, James D. 2021

"Ornamentals lead the way: global influences on plant invasions in the Caribbean" in NeoBiota

Ackerman, James D. 2021

"Future changes in the distribution of two non-indigenous orchids and their acquired enemy in Puerto Rico" in Biological Invasions

Acquaro, Pamela 2021

"Willpower Through Cultural Tools" in Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Adair, Jordan Bradley 2021

"Using UAV and traditional remote sensing data to detect vegetation vigor and monitor stream morphology in a desert riparian ecosystem" in Theses and Projects

Adams, David 2021

"To Determine the Impact of Verbal Prompting and Positive Reinforcement on the Total Number of Off-Task Behaviors Demonstrated by a Student with Other Health Impairment" in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2021

"Differential Reinforcement as a Means of Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviors in Elementary Children in the Distant Learning Environment" in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2021

"Effects of Positive Reinforcement on Correct Responses: A Single Case Design Study" in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2021

"The Impact of Three Instructional Conditions on Overhand Throwing Performance for Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder" in Palaestra

Adams, Mark D. O. 2021

"Changes in relationships between the US Forest Service and rural communities in the Northwest Forest Plan area amid declines in agency staffing" in Journal of Forestry

Adhikari, Kushal 2021

"2-D Modeling to Understand the Design Configuration and Flow Dynamics of Pond-in-Pond (Pip) Wastewater Treatment System for Reuse" in Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Adhikari, Kushal 2021

"Water reuse and sustainability with a single pond-in-pond system" in American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting