Wolfe, Jared D. |
2020 |
"Evolution of breeding plumages in birds: A multiple-step pathway for seasonal dichromatism in New World Warblers (Aves: Parulidae)" in Ecology and Evolution |
Wolfe, Jared D. |
2020 |
"First record of a piebald Bates’s Slit-faced Bat, Nycteris arge (Chiroptera: Nycteridae) from Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa" in Journal of Bat Research & Conservation |
Wolfe, Jared D. |
2020 |
"Habitat ecology of Nearctic–Neotropical migratory landbirds on the nonbreeding grounds" in The Condor |
Wollenberg, Kathy |
2020 |
Far Less
Woo, Heesung |
2020 |
"Residues and bio-energy generation: A case study modelling value chain optimisation in Tasmania" in Energy |
Woo, Heesung |
2020 |
"Investigating the Optimal Location of Potential Forest Industry Clusters to Enhance Domestic Timber Utilization in South Korea" in Forests |
Wood, Rhiannon |
2020 |
"Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Matrix Biology: Building Research Infrastructure, Supporting Young Researchers, and Fostering Collaboration" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Worrell, Ashley |
2020 |
“Untitled” in Celebrating Writers and Writing in Our Communities |
Wrenn, George |
2020 |
"Curating Inclusive Collections: An Assessment of Diversity in Literature-Related Subjects at the HSU Library" in Open Educational Resources |
Wrenn, George |
2020 |
"Textbooks & Orders" in Check Out the Library |
Wrenn, George |
2020 |
"Diversity Grant" in Check Out the Library |
Wright, Bryan E. |
2020 |
"California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) monitoring in the lower Columbia River, 1997-2018" in Northwestern Naturalist |
Wright, Megan |
2020 |
“Preliminary Quantitative and Qualitative Investigations on the Heterogeneous, Irreversible Uptake of Acetone by Titanium(IV) Oxide” in ideaFest Journal |
Wulffson, Quinn |
2020 |
“Growth of Juvenile Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Fed Different Seaweed-Based Diets” in Theses and Projects |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Overview of Geological Hazards" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Wynand, Tracie |
2020 |
“Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): An Analysis within the Political and Economic Context of Neoliberalism” in Theses and Projects |
Yacob, Tesfayohanes |
2020 |
"Wildfire Smoke Mitigation Design for Rural Indigenous Communities in Northern California" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Yajima, Akane |
2019 |
"La Révolution Française" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Yang, Yang |
2020 |
"Producing multiple imaginations of the Silk Road in Xi’an, China’s urban development" in International Journal of Cultural Policy |
Yang, Yang |
2020 |
"China's Belt and Road Initiative: Views from the ground" in Political Geography |
York, Eva |
2020 |
“Mindfulness at Coastal Grove Charter School” in ideaFest Posters |
You, Hyun-Kyung |
2020 |
Sociocultural And Family System Perspectives: Families Who Have Children With Disabilities |
You, Hyun-Kyung |
2020 |
Helping immigrant children succeed: A look through research, experiences, and practical solution |
Younes, Amin M. |
2020 |
“Resource And Load Compatibility Assessment Of Wind Energy Offshore Of Humboldt County, California” in Energies
Younes, Amin M. |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center |