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Displaying 1751 - 1775 of 1790
Author Year Publications
Woo, Heesung 2020

"Residues and bio-energy generation: A case study modelling value chain optimisation in Tasmania" in Energy

Woo, Heesung 2020

"Investigating the Optimal Location of Potential Forest Industry Clusters to Enhance Domestic Timber Utilization in South Korea" in Forests

Wood, Rhiannon 2020

"Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Matrix Biology: Building Research Infrastructure, Supporting Young Researchers, and Fostering Collaboration" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Worrell, Ashley 2020

“Untitled” in Celebrating Writers and Writing in Our Communities

Wrenn, George 2020

"Curating Inclusive Collections: An Assessment of Diversity in Literature-Related Subjects at the HSU Library" in Open Educational Resources

Wrenn, George 2020

"Textbooks & Orders" in Check Out the Library

Wrenn, George 2020

"Diversity Grant" in Check Out the Library

Wright, Bryan E. 2020

"California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) monitoring in the lower Columbia River, 1997-2018" in Northwestern Naturalist

Wright, Megan 2020

Preliminary Quantitative and Qualitative Investigations on the Heterogeneous, Irreversible Uptake of Acetone by Titanium(IV) Oxide” in ideaFest Journal

Wulffson, Quinn 2020

Growth of Juvenile Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Fed Different Seaweed-Based Diets” in Theses and Projects

Wunderlich, Wyeth 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Overview of Geological Hazards" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Wynand, Tracie 2020

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): An Analysis within the Political and Economic Context of Neoliberalism” in Theses and Projects

Yacob, Tesfayohanes 2020

"Wildfire Smoke Mitigation Design for Rural Indigenous Communities in Northern California" in AGU Fall Meeting

Yajima, Akane 2019

"La Révolution Française" in The World "The way we saw it"

Yang, Yang 2020

"Producing multiple imaginations of the Silk Road in Xi’an, China’s urban development" in International Journal of Cultural Policy

Yang, Yang 2020

"China's Belt and Road Initiative: Views from the ground" in Political Geography

York, Eva 2020

Mindfulness at Coastal Grove Charter School” in ideaFest Posters

You, Hyun-Kyung 2020

Sociocultural And Family System Perspectives: Families Who Have Children With Disabilities

You, Hyun-Kyung 2020

Helping immigrant children succeed: A look through research, experiences, and practical solution

Younes, Amin M. 2020

Resource And Load Compatibility Assessment Of Wind Energy Offshore Of Humboldt County, California” in Energies

Younes, Amin M. 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Younes, Amin M. 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Offshore Wind and Regional Load Compatibility Report" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Younes, Amin M. 2020

"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Electricity Market Revenue Study" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Younger, Jasmine 2020

"The Cost for Our Entertainment" in Communication Senior Capstone

Yuan, Stella 2020

Phylogenetic and Population Genetic Analysis of the Humboldt's Flying Squirrel Using High-Throughput Sequencing Data” in Theses and Projects