Smith, Canyon |
2020 |
"Healthcare, Foucault, and the Politics of COVID-19" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Zavala, Adrian L. |
2020 |
"Doing Gender: Cars and Culture in the United States" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Thacker, Rachael |
2020 |
"Mankind, Humans, Congressman: It’s All Inclusive, Right Guys?" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Tejada, Anastasia M. |
2020 |
"Like a Virgin: Comparing Cross-Cultural Virginity" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Arjomand, Ardeshir J. |
2020 |
"Shifting A Culture" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Stauff, Sarah |
2020 |
"Parenting in the Public Eye" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Medina, Q |
2020 |
"HSU Communicative Practices: Administration Must Include the Student Voice" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Roy, Taylor M. |
2020 |
"Consumerism and Covid - 19 : A Neoliberal Analysis" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Mallory, Catherine E. |
2020 |
"Bisexuality, Intersectionality, and the Bechdel Test in Jane the Virgin" in Communication Senior Capstone |
McGriff, Ethan A. |
2020 |
"Countercultural Representation" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Younger, Jasmine |
2020 |
"The Cost for Our Entertainment" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Benoit, Michelle L. |
2020 |
"Representation in Animation" in Communication Senior Capstone |
McClelland, Lucky |
2020 |
"Stereotyping Gender Roles: Children's Commercial Advertisement" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Shah, Sayed Ahmad |
2020 |
"Bosch Creates the First Surreal Painting of Hell" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Savin, Cole |
2020 |
"Communication Classes That Help With Employment" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Hernandez, Edwin |
2020 |
"Group Involvement: Cohesion & Tensions through Collaboration" in Communication Senior Capstone |
Ayala, Lauren |
2020 |
"Habitat Monitoring for Salmonid Health at Headwaters Forest Reserve in Humboldt County, California" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Glavan, Christopher |
2020 |
"Patrick’s Point State Park Habitat Restoration Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Sosa Morales, Marcos |
2020 |
"Management Recommendations for Jacoby Creek Land Trust’s Off-Channel Pond Site at the Kotke Ranch and Nature Preserve" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Cashen, Jeremy |
2020 |
"Habitat Assessment of Suitable Areas for Three Rare Plant Species (Layia carnosa, Erysimum menziesii, and Gilia millefoliata) in the Barr Parcel on Friends of the Dunes Property" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Arnold, Mia |
2020 |
"Jacoby Creek Site Inventory Assessment and Management Recommendations for Parcel 502-052-022" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Morden, Evan R. |
2020 |
"True North Organizing Network" in Sociology Senior Capstone Project |
Loughran, Todd |
2020 |
"Potatode" in Toyon |
Lipiec, Mary |
2020 |
"Mary Lipiec 2020 Interview" in Toyon Videos |
Loughran, Todd |
2020 |
"Todd Loughran 2020 Interview" in Toyon Video |