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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1810
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Smith, Canyon 2020

"Healthcare, Foucault, and the Politics of COVID-19" in Communication Senior Capstone

Zavala, Adrian L. 2020

"Doing Gender: Cars and Culture in the United States" in Communication Senior Capstone

Thacker, Rachael 2020

"Mankind, Humans, Congressman: It’s All Inclusive, Right Guys?" in Communication Senior Capstone

Tejada, Anastasia M. 2020

"Like a Virgin: Comparing Cross-Cultural Virginity" in Communication Senior Capstone

Arjomand, Ardeshir J. 2020

"Shifting A Culture" in Communication Senior Capstone

Stauff, Sarah 2020

"Parenting in the Public Eye" in Communication Senior Capstone

Medina, Q 2020

"HSU Communicative Practices: Administration Must Include the Student Voice" in Communication Senior Capstone

Roy, Taylor M. 2020

"Consumerism and Covid - 19 : A Neoliberal Analysis" in Communication Senior Capstone

Mallory, Catherine E. 2020

"Bisexuality, Intersectionality, and the Bechdel Test in Jane the Virgin" in Communication Senior Capstone

McGriff, Ethan A. 2020

"Countercultural Representation" in Communication Senior Capstone

Younger, Jasmine 2020

"The Cost for Our Entertainment" in Communication Senior Capstone

Benoit, Michelle L. 2020

"Representation in Animation" in Communication Senior Capstone

McClelland, Lucky 2020

"Stereotyping Gender Roles: Children's Commercial Advertisement" in Communication Senior Capstone

Shah, Sayed Ahmad 2020

"Bosch Creates the First Surreal Painting of Hell" in Communication Senior Capstone

Savin, Cole 2020

"Communication Classes That Help With Employment" in Communication Senior Capstone

Hernandez, Edwin 2020

"Group Involvement: Cohesion & Tensions through Collaboration" in Communication Senior Capstone

Ayala, Lauren 2020

"Habitat Monitoring for Salmonid Health at Headwaters Forest Reserve in Humboldt County, California" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Glavan, Christopher 2020

"Patrick’s Point State Park Habitat Restoration Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Sosa Morales, Marcos 2020

"Management Recommendations for Jacoby Creek Land Trust’s Off-Channel Pond Site at the Kotke Ranch and Nature Preserve" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Cashen, Jeremy 2020

"Habitat Assessment of Suitable Areas for Three Rare Plant Species (Layia carnosa, Erysimum menziesii, and Gilia millefoliata) in the Barr Parcel on Friends of the Dunes Property" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Arnold, Mia 2020

"Jacoby Creek Site Inventory Assessment and Management Recommendations for Parcel 502-052-022" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Morden, Evan R. 2020

"True North Organizing Network" in Sociology Senior Capstone Project

Loughran, Todd 2020

"Potatode" in Toyon

Lipiec, Mary 2020

"Mary Lipiec 2020 Interview" in Toyon Videos

Loughran, Todd 2020

"Todd Loughran 2020 Interview" in Toyon Video