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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1805
Author Year Publications
Abbassi, Mina 2019

Ruined Columns” in The World "The way we saw it"

Abell, Jeffrey T. 2020

"Investigating the Potential Causes of the Significant Decrease in the Lower-Tropospheric Baseline O3 at the U.S. West Coast During COVID-19 Pandemic" in AGU Fall Meeting

Abelli-Amen, Kyle 2020

"Willow Creek, California Tourism Analysis" in Open Educational Resources and Data

Aberson, Christopher L. 2020

Does Women’s Anxious Jealousy Track Changes In Steroid Hormone Levels?” in Psychoneuroendocrinology

Accomando, Christina H. 2020

Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study

Achay, Meagan M. 2020

United Indian Health Services Community Gardens” in ideaFest Poster

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Emerging investigator series: membrane distillation and high salinity: analysis and implications" in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"A modeling framework to evaluate blending of seawater and treated wastewater streams for synergistic desalination and potable reuse" in Water Research

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Net Zero Urban Water from Concept to Applications: Integrating Natural, Built, and Social Systems for Responsive and Adaptive Solutions" in ACS ES&T Water

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Pretreatment for water reuse using fluidized bed crystallization" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Increasing water recovery during reclamation of treated municipal wastewater using bipolar membrane electrodialysis and fluidized bed crystallization" in Journal of Water Process Engineering

Achilli, Andrea 2020

"Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis process modeling for integration with seawater reverse osmosis desalination" in Desalination

Ackerman, James D. 2020

"Island biogeography of native and alien plant species: Contrasting drivers of diversity across the Lesser Antilles" in Diversity and Distributions

Ackerman, James D. 2020

"Small Populations on Small Islands: What Chance Does an Orchid Have?" in International Journal of Plant Sciences

Acquaro, Pamela 2020

I Want to Speak to the Manager! An Exploration of Customer-Cashier Interactions” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, Dara B. 2020

Model Vs. Playback Experiments: The Impact Of Sensory Mode On Predator‐Specific Escape Responses In Saki Monkeys” in Ethology

Adams, David 2020

Effects of a Dual-Task Paradigm on Tandem Gait Performance After Concussion” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

Modified Anaerobic Treadmill Test for Collegiate and Recreational Athletes” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

The Effectiveness of A Matter of Balance, a Fall Prevention Program on Fall Risk in Rural Community Dwelling Veterans and Non-Veterans” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

"Stop Giving Them the Answers: Make Them Think" in Faculty Focus

Adams, David 2020

"The illusion of good class discussions and what to do about it" in Faculty Focus

Adams, David 2020

VO2 Maximum Protocol for Arm and Leg Fan Bike” in ideaFest Poster

Adams, David 2020

"Traveling Heads: An Instructional Strategy that can be Adopted into a Hyflex and BendFlex Classroom" in Journal of Faculty Development

Adams, Mark 2020

The World Has Changed, and the Wiyot Changed with It:” The Socio-Political Processes and Rationale of Cultural Landscape Decolonization on Wiyot Ancestral Land” in Theses and Projects

Adams, Mark D. O. 2020

"The environmental justice implications of managing hazardous forest fuels on federal lands in the American West" in Annals of the American Association of Geographers