Wojcik, Chelsey |
2019 |
"The Nonverbal Communication of a Serial Killer" in ideaFest Poster |
Wolfe, Jared D. |
2019 |
"A novel approach to understanding bird communities using informed diversity estimates at local and regional scales in northern California and southern Oregon" in Ecology and Evolution |
Wolfe, Jared D. |
2019 |
"A Review the Science Directly Related to the Effects of Barred Owls (Strix varia) on Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis)" in Journal of Wildlife Management |
Wood, Eric M. |
2013 |
"Avian Community Use and Occupancy of California Oak Savanna" in The Condor |
Wood, Morgan |
2019 |
"Exercise and the Effects of off-task Time Behavior During Academic Time Among Children with Disabilities" in Theses and Projects |
Woody, Sonya |
2019 |
"Humboldt Tenant Landlord Collaboration (HTLC): An Educated Landlord and Renter Program" in ideaFest Poster |
Wroth, Rhodes |
2019 |
"The Effects of Video Modeling on Complimentary Behaviors Towards Children with Disabilities in Typically Developing Children: A case study" in Theses and Projects |
Wu, Zhelin |
2019 |
"The relationship between personality characteristics and creativity on judgements of facial attractiveness" in Theses and Projects |
Wu, Zhelin |
2019 |
"The relationship between personality characteristics and creativity on judgements of facial attractiveness" in ideaFest Poster |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2019 |
"Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2019 |
"A Geophysical Investigation to Image the Critical Zone Architecture in a High Andean Puna Grassland" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Wunderlich, Wyeth |
2019 |
"Quantifying water storage capacity in, and dry season water yield from Bofedales, Andean Wetlands" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Xiong, Nikkie |
2019 |
"Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication" in ideaFest Poster |
Yah-Díaz, Briana |
2019 |
"Alteridad" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Yajima, Akane |
2019 |
"This is Paris" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Yajima, Akane |
2019 |
"La Révolution Française" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Yañez Portillo, Brenda |
2019 |
"My Name" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Yosief, E. |
2019 |
"Geoscience Alliance: A Visualization of the Decadal Growth of a Native American Mentoring Organization" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Young, Richard J. |
2019 |
"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology |
Zald, Harold S.J. |
2019 |
"Lidar Prediction of Small Mammal Diversity in Wisconsin, USA" in Remote Sensing |
Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. |
2020 |
"Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) growth and defense in response to mountain pine beetle outbreaks" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Zender, Joshua R. |
2019 |
“Leadership in a Fiscally Distressed School District: The Case of Daly City Schools” in Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
Zender, Joshua R. |
2019 |
Complementary Research Methods for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies |
Zender, Joshua R. |
2019 |
“Public Hospitals: Are They on Life Support?” in The Journal of Government Financial Management
Zhang, Monk |
2019 |
"November 8, 2016" in Toyon |