Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2019 |
"Jailed Parents and their Young Children: Residential Instability, Homelessness, and Behavior Problems" in Journal of Child and Family Studies |
Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2019 |
"School Wellness in Wisconsin: Evaluating Policies for Practices to Prevent Pediatric Obesity" in Journal of School Health |
Weymouth, Lindsay A. |
2019 |
"Infants and young children with incarcerated parents" in Handbook on Children with Incarcerated Parents: Research, Policy, and Practice |
White, Jeffrey W. |
2019 |
"Achieving Climate Stability and Environment Sustainability: PK–12 education as part of the solution for bending the curve" in UC–CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy, Project Steering Committee |
White, Julia |
2019 |
"Gender Representation in art Pedagogy: a Survey of Student Knowledge and Attitudes Around Gender Balance in art Education" in Theses and Projects |
White, Kelly |
2019 |
"The Effects of C-Afferent Stimulation on Orgasms and Ejaculation" in ideaFest Poster |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2019 |
"Escape dynamics of free-ranging desert kangaroo rats (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) evading rattlesnake strikes" in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2019 |
"Determinants of predation success: How to survive an attack from a rattlesnake" in Functional Ecology |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2019 |
"Managing predators: The influence of kangaroo rat antipredator displays on sidewinder rattlesnake hunting behavior" in Ethology |
Whitford, Malachi D. |
2019 |
"An overview of behavioral, physiological, and environmental sensors used in animal biotelemetry and biologging studies" in Animal Biotelemetry |
Whitney, Beau Blake |
2019 |
"The Western Australia Modeling project — Part 1: Geomodel building" in Interpretation |
Whitney, Beau Blake |
2019 |
"The Western Australia Modeling project — Part 2: Seismic validation" in Interpretation |
Whitney, Makayla |
2019 |
"Creating Methodology for Classroom Materials using Correlations between Childhood and Adulthood Literacy" in ideaFest Poster |
Widick, Ivy V. |
2019 |
"Evaluating current and future range limits of an endangered, keystone rodent (Dipodomys ingens)" in Diversity and Distributions |
Widick, Ivy V. |
2019 |
"Reconstruction of the historical range alters niche estimates in an endangered rodent" in Ecography |
Wilde, James |
2019 |
"Finding Home: Settling in Humboldt as an Undocumented Citizen" in Osprey |
Wilke, Naeva |
2019 |
"One in 2.25 Billion" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities |
Williams, Cameron B. |
2019 |
"Axial variation of xylem conduits in the Earth’s tallest trees" in Trees |
Williams, Eugene |
2019 |
"System Barriers to LGBTQIA2-S Transition Age Youth" in ideaFest Poster |
Williams, Jett |
2019 |
"Take a Hike" in Osprey |
Williams, Kali |
2019 |
"Ethnic Differences in Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Role of Childhood Socioeconomic Status" in ideaFest Poster |
Williams, Richard |
2019 |
"Determining Fire Severity of the Santa Rosa, CA 2017 Fire" in ideaFest Journal |
Williams, Travis |
2019 |
"Building Connections Through Course Materials on Reserve" in Check Out the Library |
Williams-Claussen, Tiana |
2019 |
"Applying circuit theory and landscape linkage maps to reintroduction planning for California Condors" in PLOS ONE |
Wills, Payton |
2019 |
"Only Birds Can Start Wildfires" in ideaFest Poster |